Chapter Fifty One

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I rummaged through my small wardrobe to find something nice to wear. I didn't want to be seen as the fashion senseless girl. I picked out a pair of black skinny jeans and a light pink t-shirt. Pulling my top over my head I made sure not to mess up my hair even more than it already was. I wanted to curl my hair once I was changed and it was bad enough to curl when it was ever so slightly messy. I finished getting dressed then clicked the plug in for my purple and black curlers. They took about five seconds to fully hear up since I kept them on quite a low heat. I twirled each little pice of hair round the heated metal and waiting for a count of ten seconds before letting go of the hair. It bounced back up like a spring next to my ear. I carried on curling my hair, turning my curlers off so they look less time. Once my hair was fully done it was time to begin my boring journey to school. I really wasn't looking forward to all the drama that today was going to bring me. I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"And where do you think you're going, young lady?" Richard asked me.

I pretended to think about it for a second, "Uh, school." I turned and slammed my way out of the house.

First lesson was French. Boring. We sat there learning about how to say the future tense. I stared blankly out of the window watching the younger years outside in their playground. Our lessons started half an hour before theirs. Lucky us, I thought to myself sarcastically.

"I won't be a minute," my teacher told us before hurrying out to talk to someone. Chatter filled the once quiet room. I peered round the classroom. Everyone was occupied by their own conversations. The girls giggling about celebrity crushes and discussing the latest makeup and the boys talking about last weeks football match, Chelsea and Arsenal 4-0. Everyone had their own friendship groups. I noticed one girl sitting over the other side of the room to me at the back. The girls around her were excitedly chatting but she seemed to be cut out of the conversation. She was staring at me, taking in each of my tiny movements. She didn't miss anything. The way she shifted in her seat made her look nervous or worried about something.

Thirty minutes later, the loud bell rang throughout the school. I picked up my bag and headed for the door not waiting for our teacher to dismiss us, she still hadn't come back. Everyone else stayed perfectly still in their seats. Clearly in no hurry to get to their next lesson. As I reached the door I turned back to look at the class. Everything was quiet and their gazes were fixed on me. No one moved an inch. As I took a step out the classroom door I faintly heard a chair being pushed back under the table and the girl that was looking at me just half an hour ago was following me. Looks like I have a stalker. I tried to forget about it and walked to my next class. Every time I turned around no one was visible behind me but as soon as I started walking the sound of footsteps joined me. I moved closer to the left hand wall so that my hand brushed against it. Swiftly I turned around to find no one, once again. Without making a sound a crept round the corner making sure no one was behind me. I leant up against the wall trying to not be seen easily.

"Gotcha! Are you following me?" I exclaimed to the girl.

"N-no. I can explain. Just not here." She responded nervously.

"Why should I trust you?"

"You shouldn't, but who else will tell you? I shouldn't tell anyone. Your mum sent you."

"I don't know who you are but, my mums dead." I stated.

She gasped,"Who told you that? I saw her this morning, she's in trouble, follow me."

I allowed the girl, who I found out to be called Caitlin into the school field which was luckily empty.

"Your mum's been kidnapped

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