Chapter Twenty Three - Running away

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I sat on my bed leaning against my wall after ending the call with Brogan. Picking up my headphones off of my bedside table I tried to untangle them, making it worse. Sighing in frustration I picked up the end of them and repeatedly flicked them at the floor. It took a few minutes but eventually they almost fully untangled themselves. I plugged them into my phone and began to play my music full blast. Mum and Max were arguing about what he just told us. I guess she doesn't trust him anymore. I wouldn't either. I think she thinks he's only here because of Alice, she sort of stuck to our house and has only gone from there to the park since, kind of like she can't go anywhere else.

I could see someone at my door out the corner of my eye. Without hesitating I picked up my phone and started scrolling through various texts. I'm so used to people being in my room, its easy enough to ignore everything. I could just about see the figure/person step into my room closing the door behind them.

"Mum, what do you want thi-" I started to complain, looking up at the person in my room. I'm quite sure this wasn't my mum. It was a tall man, who didn't seem to really be there at all. He was giving me a sort of angry/evil smile unsettling me.

Brogan's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about what Cara said, her suggestion about finding my birth parents. It'd be so great knowing them, but what if they didn't want to know me? I would be horrible if I spent ages trying to contact them and they just told me to go away but at the same time me and my adopted dad were arguing more and more everyday any it was horrible. I don't know how he'd feel about me trying to find my real parents though, he's tried so hard covering it up for the past sixteen years there must be a reason for it. He always gets defensive when I bring it up and he either stops answering me or yells at me. Everytime I tried  to stop thinking about finding my real parents I thought of more ideas of how to and who they could be. It didn't matter though, they could be anyone, it's impossible.

I'd taken the long way round home, simply because I was delaying. I needed time to think about things and I didn't want to face my dad, not just yet anyway. I let the though run through my mind for a few more minutes. It was a crazy idea, wasn't it? I pulled out my phone and asked Cara to meet me in a hour.

An hour later

"You're asking me to run away with you?!" She demanded, shocked.

I could see from her face that she didn't want to but I still had to find, it was her idea after all. "Yeah, you said about trying to find them."

"Yeah but I meant by asking for dad, not running away to track people that could be anywhere around the world. Don't you think I've caused enough crap for my mum?"

"Well, now's my chance, things are getting really bad at home. Besides it was your idea."

She stared at me for a split second, "He hits you doesn't he? That day I came over when I ran away..he hit you didn't he? Oh my god. I knew something had happened. But I just thought something for knocked over, I guess I didn't want to believe it at the time." I nodded slightly, "Okay, I'll talk to my mum when I get home, explain what we're doing and why. She'll understand." I hope, I added silently on the end. "Meet me back here in a few hours, bring clothes and money and anything else you really need."

Cara's POV

I had no idea how I was supposed to convince my mum to let me go. She just told my sister, I ran away, she just got me back she's never gonna let me out of her sight for more than an hour at this rate. I went through different reasons and excuses in my head but none of them seemed very convincing or reasonable. I settled with packing my stuff and sneaking out, I'd write my mum a note explaining the best I could and I just had to hope she was okay with it.

When I got home I headed straight upstairs to write the note. Just as I began to write it my door opened. I jumped out of my seat quickly pushing the paper under a book on my desk. "Honey, are you okay? You're back earlier than I expected." My mum asked.

"Um, yeah I'm fine thanks." I murmured.

She smiled at me before she hurried out of my room. I heard her as she went to the bathroom to take a shower, now was my chance to go. I scribbled the rest of the letter and left it on her bed, it was the first place she'd go after her shower. Picking up my rucksack and schoolbag I tipped all the stuff out of it that I previously packed when I ran away. This time I took my time, carefully picking what I would definitely need and folding it into a pile to put in my back after. I went through a mental list of what I would need and realised my toothbrush and wash stuff was in the bathroom. There was no way I was going to get that. I could just buy some more later, I guess.

I picked up my bags and shoved them on my back. Walking into my room I placed the note neatly folded up on her bed.  As I started walking downstairs I heard the shower turned off, that was quicker than usual. I hurried downstairs trying to be as silent as possible. I opened the front door just enough for me to get out and I slipped out the house whispering bye.


Thanks for the reads&votes. Comment with any new ideas for the chapters or new characters you want to join.

Next update at 325 reads or later depends when I get a chance to write one.

Hope you like it...

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