Chapter Thirty

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3 months later

Looking around the room I could see nothing but boxes. I can't believe we're finally moving. Just me and mum. Leaving our old life behind so we could start again. Of course there was no way we could forget about what's happened but at least we can try to be happy and begin to get over the stuff from the past 6 months or so. I stuck a sticker on the last box that said "Cara's Bedroom" I pushed the lid shut and pushed it out of my room.

I was nervous about starting a new school because of the questions and I wouldn't know anyone. On the other hand I really wanted to move on from what's happened and have a change. Max left mum about a week after I came back home. He never did say why but mum seemed happier after. She got a new job, about a 5 minutes walk away from we are going to live which is what convinced her to move I guess. Before when she suggested it, it was Max talking her into it but this time it was entirely her choice. 

2 hours later

"Cara honey, we're here, wake up." My mum whispered poking me.

"Hmpff." I replied my eyes still adjusting. "Oh my god, is that our new house?" I asked excitedly. It was huge. There was two floors and then a huge attic room. 

"No, I just thought we'd stop at some random house." She looked at me, dead seriously, "I'm joking,  of couse its ours!"

"That was not funny! How did you afford this?" She laughed and started unloaded things from the back of the car. We'd only took things we really needed because we wanted to almost completely start again. Only things that meant loads to us and clothes were really allowed. 

"Cara, unlock the door for us, can you?" She asked me grinning. I pulled the keys out of the door and pushed them in the keyhole, turning them. With a click the door opened. I took a step into the house and started to look around. This place was massive.

"Come on, lets get our stuff in, its still early we can go and see your new school if you like." I reluctantly agreed. I wanted to see my school before I was forced to go there. After helping my mum with the few boxes we had I ran upstairs to tie my hair up and change my clothes then went back downstairs ready to go see my new school.

"Mum, I've changed my mind, I don't want to see my school."

She laughed, "Well it's too late now, we're here there's no point in going home. It'll be fine, if you don't like it we'll see if there's any other schools around, deal?"

"Deal." I replied as I stepped in the main office.

"Hello, I'm hear with Cara to see the Headteacher about her having a place here."

"Ah, yes. Please take a seat over there the headmaster will be with you in just a second." The office lady told us putting on a fake smile and signalling where we should sit. We had not sat down for 2 seconds before someone called my name. It was the headmaster I'm guessing. He was dressed in a suit and looked smart but the smile on his face showed he took pride in his job and wasn't too strict. "Follow me, I'll show you around."

He took us round the school slowly, there was no way I'd find my way around here. The headmaster obviously realised that I was worried about this, "Don't worry, it's quite easy to get used to. I'm sure you'll make friends quickly, they'll be able to help you." He reassured me cheerfully.

"Hey babe, if you ever get lost I'll help you." One of the bigheaded boys, that clearly thought he was all that, told me.

"Haha, maybe not." I replied shortly.

"Andrew, leave the poor girl alone and get to lesson. Oh and tuck your shirt in!" He shouted down the hall to the boy that was now surrounded by his annoying friends.

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