Chapter Twenty Six

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We had to walk for a further 10 minutes before we reached some kind of life. There was a small house, a bungalow, just off the nearby road. It had a dim light on in what looked like the kitchen. There were dirty plates and cups stacked up half way up the window. They looked like they didn't care about the state of their house because cleaning was too much effort. 

Brogan and I walked hand in hand down the path past the messy house. I stumbled as I caught my foot on one of the uneven pebbles, twisting my ankle. Brogan acted as fast as lightening and caught me before I smacked my knee on the hard floor. He lifted me to my feet and held me up while I gained my balance. Hugging me tight Brogan assured I was okay. We continued to walk along the path. I began to take my steps more carefully this time, I really did not fancy falling over, especially as we were getting into town now. I peered along the road taking in the shop and building names, intrigued to know what was here. It seems like a cute little place with rows and rows of shops neatly decorated to suit the theme or items avaliable.

I glaced at Brogan to see his reaction of the place. His eyes looked lost in thought as if he was searching for something, a thought maybe. He slowly stopped walking, standing in the middle of the street right in the way of all the local residents going about their day to day life. "Hey, Cara? Have we ever been here before? Only it looks really familiar." He wondered.

I searched the street for anything that I might recognise and failed to find anything that stood out, "Nope sorry. I don't think I've ever been here, let's keep walking maybe something will jog our memories and give us a clue." I suggested desperately trying to find out where we were.

We kept walking, slowly this time so that Brogan had enough time to look around and scan all the buildings. He mentioned nothing else about it looking familiar. Maybe he thought he was just mixing it up with another place or something. I wanted to know more about where we were and what he knew but I chose not to mention it again. We walked completely out of the small town. I just followed where Brogan wanted to go. He seemed to know exactly where he was headed even though we were in a completely strange place. 

We turned another corner and came to a large house. It had a sign outside reading "Childrens' Care Home"

Brogan turned to me, "This is where I grew up for the first seven years of my life." He said shortly, staring forward, taking in the changes in his old home.

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