Chapter Thirty Four

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"So why did you move to our school, Cara?" Molly asked curiously.

I thought about it for a few minutes not knowing what to tell her because I knew I couldn't tell her the real reason. "Uh, we just wanted a change, me and my mum I mean."

"Oh that's cool. I've lived here all my life, boring!" She replied not realising I was lying to her.

"Girls whatever you're discussing make it wait until after my lesson and get on with your work." The teacher told us sternly.

"Yes miss, sorry, " Molly said smiling sweetly before muttering under her breath, "Stroppy cow."

My phone, that I had out on the desk, lit up.

1 new message Brogan: Cara, I'm sorry.

I quickly locked my screen hoping Molly had not seen. I didn't want to be thinking about him of all people today.

"Ex boyfriend?" She asked quietly. I nodded slowly. "Ah, that sucks. What happened between yous?"

I laughed trying to find a way of vaguely telling her without needing to explain much.

"He cheated." I said simply to try and change the subject.

"Damn, oh well boys are stupid-"

"Girls, what did I tell you five minutes ago? Get on with your work and stop talking. Actually, you both can stay after school to catch up on the work you've missed."

"But miss that's not fair!" Molly argued.

"What's not fair about it? You two are too busy chatting to do my work and you need to catch up in YOUR own time."

I sat there staring at the worksheet blankly as Molly continued to argue with the teacher. She was only getting us into more trouble. I couldn't work out any of the math problems, all the numbers seemed to mix together, all jumbled. Slowly, the arguing died down and Molly started to do the work. She got bored after the first question and sat there doodling over her book. Another reason for miss to have a go at her. After about five minutes we were stopped so we could mark our work.

"Cara, how about you answer this question?" She asked in the patronising voice teachers use.

I shook my head, "No I don't want to." The class laughed.

"Come on Cara its easy give it a go."

"No! I don't want to answer the stupid question." I argued.

One of the snobby girls joined in, "Miss, don't make her it's not her fault if she's too stupid to know the answer, oh wait it kind of is." she snickered. The whole class joined in calling me names and making fun of me.

I turned around giving the girl who started this a dirty look. Molly just sat there lost for words. I grabbed my back and swung it onto my shoulder. "Cara, where are you going?" Molly asked. Without looking at her I stood up and walked past three rows of neatly lined up tables towards the door.

I turned around, "Oh by the way the answer is 39.324." I stated and slammed the door behind me. I didn't even get to the next classroom before I heard footsteps behind me and someone calling my name.

"Cara, there's no where you can go. Plus you left this in class." She handed me my phone and I snatched it away.

"Yeah well anywhere is better than here, so far there's been a fire bell, I've been IN a fire, detention, unwanted introductions and now everyone in that class thinks I'm a joke. Thanks for the support in there by the way." 

She thought about what I'd just said, "Yeah, I bet nothing like this would have happened in your old school. I guess that's why everyone stays at our school. It's I dunno...interesting. When would you have had the change to break out of a room in your old school? Or walk out of a classroom without the teacher caring?"

She had a point I guess..

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