Chapter Forty Three

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"You've got your phone right? Call for help."

"I don't have a signal that's why I texted Molly from outside."

I groaned. This was hopeless! We'd been here for over two hours, trapped in this stupid room.

"ANDREW DO SOMETHING, GET US OUT OF HERE!" I shouted in frustration throwing my arms around and hitting the wall. He stood behind me and grabbed me arms tightly to stop myself from hitting things and hurting myself.

I heard a sly giggle.

"Hey, hey, it's alright, Molly will be here soon. Everything's gonna be alright." He calmed me down, making me take deep breaths.

"I have an idea." I announced after apologising, feeling bad.

He looks uncertain, "What's your idea?"

"Alice, I'll do it. I'll stop being friends with Molly and the others, you win okay?" I shouted.

"Ah, finally, I was beginning to think you'd be trapped in here forever." She threw the key at me, "and if you've lied to me, you know what will happen." She threatened.

I caught the key and ran over to the door shoving the key in the keyhole.

"You're a genius, you know that right Cara?" Andrew told me.

I pulled a face, "Well, duh!" I replied sarcastically.

We ran out of the room to find a nurse. "You shouldn't be out of bed yet, Cara, we still need to monitor you." The nurse dragged me back to the room, me protesting the whole time.

I sat down on the end of the bed and sulked, refusing to answer any of the nurse's questions. In the end Andrew answered for me, I didn't object, the nurse got the idea that I was annoyed.

"Cara, are you okay? Andrew texted me, I came down as soon as I could." Molly told me.

I sighed knowing what I had to do. "I'm fine."

"When are you coming out?" She asked.

"What do you care?" I responded sounding like a bitch.

"I..." She tried to think of a suitable response.

"That's what I thought, you don't. Just go away Molly." I ordered.

She walked out the room looking confused and shocked. Andrew just stood there unsure what to say. I laid back on the hospital bed. Cold tears began to fall out of my eyes again. I couldn't control them. I felt like there was nothing I could control anymore everything was so wrong. I stopped trying to stop my crying, it wasn't going to work plus it's not like Andrew's never seen me cry before, it seemed to be quite a regular thing lately, just like walking out of class and things was. I grabbed the pillow that was near my hand and covered my head. Pushing it into my face I let out a long and needed scream. When I stopped screaming into the pillow he pulled it away from my face so I didn't suffocate myself. I sat up on the edge of the bed, the metal frame dug into the back of my legs so I put my feet on the edge of the bed and shuffled backwards pulling my knees closer to my body.

I started shivering. Andrew sat down on the bed next to me and put his arm round my shoulders, trying to warm me up.

"I don't know what to do." I whispered burrying my head in my arms.

"It'll be alright Cara." He comforted.

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