Chapter Forty One

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Knock knock.

"Come in."

I opened the door, I took a step in the large office. Andrew followed me.

"Ah, thank you Andrew, you can go now." He dismissed him.

"Sorry sir but I am not leaving." Andrew argued.

"Very well, both of you take a seat," the headmaster pointed to the two chairs sat in front of his desk, "I suspect you know why I've called Cara here and that is why you are staying, hmm?" He nodded. "So, what happened?"

I opened my mouth to talk but no words came out. What did happen? I lost my temper and slapped her. Yeah, that would go down well with the headmaster.

"She was provoked sir." Andrew said leaning back in the chair.

Our headteacher raised his eyebrows, "Is this true, Cara?" sensing he needed to use my name otherwise Andrew would answer again. I nodded my head slightly staring at the ground. I'm not a snitch, I sort my own problems out but it looked like I had no choice here. I explained everything that had happened since I came in, including her trying to kill us when we snuck back into the school.

"That was a very stupid thing to do, Cara, sneaking into a school while there's a fire is not safe. As for you Andrew, following them was just as stupid. You should've alerted a member of staff. But well done for getting them safely out of the building. Without evidence that it was Megan who started the fire I cannot do anything about it."

"But sir that's not fair. She admitted it to me-" I started to argue.

He raised his hand to shut me up, "I know she admitted it to you but did anyone else hear? Otherwise it could just be you making it up..."

"Ask Molly. She heard I think."

"I'll look into the matter, you two may go now. You've missed most of last lesson, you may as well just go home. Thank you for being honest."

We walked out of his office and shut the door behind us quietly.

"How do we get out of this building?" I asked staring around blankly. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the building. I couldn't be bothered to shake him off, I didn't have the energy. For some reason I started feeling really faint but I shook it off, I was probably just overwhelmed by everything that happened in the past few days. We started talking about what the headmaster just said to us.

"It's not fair that they won't do anything about Megan trying to kill you and Molly." He complained as we walked down the street.

"Like he said, it's my word against hers. I'm the new kid who's gonna back me up?"

"Actually, loads of people look up to you after you stood up to her AND slapped her. You could see the mark you left on her face through the Oompa Loompa mask of orange she wears."

I groaned, "I had loads of her manky makeup on my hand as well after. It was disgusting!" A wave of dizziness hit me and I held onto Andrew's arm to prevent myself from falling over.

"Wow, are you okay? You look really pale," he fussed.

I smiled weakly, "Yeah I'm fine, I just feel really dizzy that's all." I told him as the world around me started to spin and everything went black.

I woke up later in a strange room. Andrew was sat beside me half asleep waiting for me to wake up.

I groaned, "What day is it? Where am I? What happened?"

"Shh, lay back down. It's Monday, you're in hospital. You were really faint and dizzy and you fell and hit your head on the floor. I called your mum-"

"What? How did you get her number," I asked confused.

"Your password was easy to guess, 2272, spelling out your name on the keypad is not the smartest move. You've been here since Thursday."

"Have you been sat there the whole time?" I asked in shock.

Andrew nodded, "Your mum had to go to work. She'll be back to check on you at lunchtime, it's only two and a half hours. I'll go get a nurse and tell them you're awake." He got up and started to walk out the room.

When he got to the door I called his name.


"Thanks." I smiled.

He smiled back before walking out the room to get a nurse.

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