Chapter 3: Family? Family who?

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Emrys: sister?

Loki: you look ravishing sister

Thor: shut up Loki

Emrys: hold on a minute, what do you mean by "sister"?

Thor: well... there has been a bit of a situation and we would like to talk to you about it.

Emrys: well, care to explain?

He explained everything to her telling her why Odin sent her away and told him not to tell her why. 

Emrys: So you are telling me that after ALL these years of thinking that my parents died, they are living in a castle ruling a whole planetary BODY?

Loki: yes I'm afraid that is true love,

Emrys: well aren't you just a douchbag

Loki: I'm your BROTHER!

Thor: Adopted...

Emrys: well aren't we a big happy family!

Thor: look I know that you are angry but when we get back to Asgard don't blame mother for any of this she has been begging father to get you back... she thought you were dead;

Emrys: so am I just to go there and beg for forgiveness?!

Loki: no one asking you to do that love you can just go there and finish your business with Odin!

Emrys: if you call me "love" one more time god help me I will throw you across the milky way and back goddammit  

Loki: gosh sister you are feisty, I like it-

Thor: enough! let us just get back to the castle so you can just finish your unfinished business OK? 

While on the way to the castle Emrys was filled with thoughts wondering what all this was, she was so shook that she didn't even know what to say. I mean she thought her whole life that her parents died because of her. She was told that her mother died giving birth to her and she was left with her father then her father died of poverty and left her with the valkyries. now she is being taken to the castle because she is the long-lost princess of Asgard.

they arrived at the castle 

Emrys: I need to see the king and queen

Thor: don't worry she is with us 

Emrys: yes I seem to be the prin-

Loki: OH SHHHHH SHUSH lets go now darling, uh I mean Emrys

Frigga: thor, Loki your back... well did you get her?

Loki: yes mother 

thor: mother she looks exactly like me 

Loki: for the love of god you are TWINS;

Frigga: where is she?

Thor: she's in the room 

Frigga: Emrys.... is that you?

Emrys: (she turns around) mother?

Frigga: OH MY DARLING EMRYS (she bursts into tears and hugs her) 

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