Chapter 33: Can i call you dad?

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a few weeks have passed since bucky had been basically living with them and the kids have been loving his presence. Emrys was also enjoying his presence because he was a big help to her and had gotten a job but because he was her first love and having him around wasn't too bad at all. Verena as mentioned before was a clever little girl, she already knew her dad had left them. she was only 8 but she knew but didn't know why.

Bucky: hey princess, you look down 

Verena: my dad left us didn't he

Bucky: no he didn't, don't say that

Verena: I'm not dumb uncle james

Bucky: what makes you say that?

Verena: He's going on a trip for a long time, he left without saying goodbye, no phone calls or texts and he completely wiped us out of his life. He also took all his magic things which means he went to nepal and for a long time so basically in short words he left us (she says in a calm way)

Bucky: you really are a genius

Verena: I'm not a genius I just pay attention to my surroundings and notice a lot of things people don't see or notice 

Bucky: which...makes you a genius!

Verena: if you insist 

Bucky: what's your IQ?

Verena: 160

Bucky: sweet lord of mercy!

Verena: you just used one of the phrases that my mom uses all the time. are you her ex boyfriend? (she asks calmly)

Bucky: Verena!

Verena: you wont just pick that up in one week plus my dad left right after you came, but I know its not your fault.

Bucky: how do you know that?

Verena: because I saw my dad beating up uncle steve in the balcony, he was just intimidated.

Bucky: oh my god.... do you also use that brain of yours at school too? (tickles her)

Verena: (she giggles) yes! (she stops laughing) I love having you here uncle james 

Bucky: (hugs her puts her on his lap and kisses her forehead) I know.

Emrys: aww, look at you two (comes and sits besides them) 

they all spent the evening as a true family and finally when the kids go to bed bucky and emrys sit on the couch together as they watch a movie.

Emrys: you know, I can never thank you enough for what you're doing for me james. the kids really like having you around especially verena.

Bucky: she knows

Emrys: what? 

Bucky: she knows

Emrys: oh god... how?

Bucky: she has an IQ of 160, the kid's a literal mastermind

Emrys: how did she respond to it, did you tell her?

Bucky: no we were just sitting together and she said "my dad left us didn't he?" I tried to pretend but she asked me not to play dumb

Emrys: well, I kind of saw it coming

Bucky: weirdly enough she was ok about it 

Emrys: we'll wait for the aftermath

Bucky: this is the aftermath doll (holds her hand)

Emrys: James-

Bucky: don't push me away Emrys, you know you can trust me more than anyone. you know before the incident I wanted to propose to you, and I want us to build that relationship again.

Emrys: (she lets go of his hand) good night James (smiles and leaves) 

It's the next morning and it's Verena's karate match. They are all getting ready to go to the match and are all very nervous. bucky is also going to go to the match with roses because those are her favorite flowers. Bucky thought of Verena as his own daughter and loved her very deeply.

Emrys: hey what are you doing here?

Bucky: I'm here to cheer her WOOHOOOO YES VERENA 

Emrys: (giggles) you didn't have to

Bucky: I wanted to 

The match finishes and Verena wins first place. she comes out of the stadium and sees her mom, brother and bucky?


Verena: uncle James! (jumps to him and hugs him tight) 

Bucky: (he stands up turning around) THAT'S MY GIRL 

They go out for dinner and Emrys takes Asher to say hi to some friends they saw at the restaurant and bucky and Verena are left alone.

Verena: thank you for coming to today uncle James 

Bucky: of course! you really don't have to thank me

Verena: I do because my dad never came to my matches and when I told him I got the first place he would just pat me on the head and went to his room.

Bucky: (bucky stares at her in silence) 

Verena: he barely spent any time with me, he always favored asher 

Bucky: oh v-

Verena: you're like the dad I never had 

Emrys: (Emrys returns to the table and without them seeing her she heard what Verena was saying and stared in shock)

Verena: uncle James (she starts tearing up)

Bucky: (bucky looks at her in shock)

Verena: can I call you dad? (she starts sobbing and wiping the tears off her face) 

Bucky: oh Verena (hugs her) you can call me anything you like 

Verena: ok dad (cries as she smiles at the same time)

Bucky: (bucky starts tearing up and she sees emrys) 

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