Chapter 20: Give her a chance peter

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Emrys and bucky spent the night together and enjoyed it to the max.
meanwhile, Stephen had left the vengers for a while to think about everything and sort out everything in his mind. Peter had been doing really well in school especially in his pe class and so his pe teacher was asking him about his instructor and how he became so strong. he told them who Emrys was but didn't tell them he was an avenger, therefore peter asked Emrys to come to his school so his instructor can see who she is and find out more about it. of course, she had to talk to bucky about it though, because I don't think he'd be comfortable with the idea of peter and Emrys being close since peter made his feelings here. when Emrys heard about the idea she actually told peter that HE had to talk to bucky and straighten things out between them. Peter agreed since he really badly wanted this, you might be wondering why he wanted this so badly? well the truth is he didn't give up on Emrys yet and so, he thought by having her come to school she would definitely get the job and they could spend more time together. so peter put on his best face and went to talk to bucky:

Peter: hi bucky, I know I'm the last person you wanna see right now but can I talk to you for a second?

Bucky: ok, but make it quick 

Peter: great thank you 

Bucky: what do you want?

Peter: so because of training with Emrys my physical strength has increased a lot and-

Bucky: (rolled his eyes)

Peter: long story short I did really well and my pe teacher asked about my trainer and who she is and they want her to come to my school.

Bucky: so first that and then you wanna bring her to your GODAMN SCHOOL?

Peter: hey listen, if she impresses them which I'm sure she will, they will give her the job and she'll get a really REALLY high pay!

Bucky: well-

Emrys: is that so?

Peter: yeah

Emrys: James this isn't such a bad idea 

Bucky: Well, if it makes you happy I shouldn't stop you from doing anything or force you to do anything

Peter: Yesss

Emrys: so when do I go?

Peter: we can go now!

Emrys: ok I'm ready 

They go over to peters school and the moment she walks in all eyes are laid on her. the seniors fix their shirts and collars and wink. the girls all look at her and can't believe their eyes! I mean for Pete's sake the woman has impeccable Asgardian beauty and this is how she looked:

 the girls all look at her and can't believe their eyes! I mean for Pete's sake the woman has impeccable Asgardian beauty and this is how she looked:

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Emrys: why is everyone looking at me like that? is something wrong? maybe my hair is bad (she turns to peter and fixes her hair)

Peter: (whispers) holy (his heart flutters)

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