Chapter 32: you know I'm always here for you right?

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After Stephen left her she went back home to asher and Verena, Wanda was with them too. She was so shook that she didn't even know what to say when she saw her. 

Wanda: what happened?

Emrys: Asher, Verena why don't you guys go to your rooms for a while until I call you

Verena: ok mom 

Asher: Mom are you ok?

Emrys: yeah honey I'm fine, off you go

Verena and asher left the room and went into their bedroom.

Emrys: he left me

Wanda: WHAT!!?

Emrys: he said he couldn't deal with all the men in his life loving me and wants to divorce and completely ignored Verena and asher in this situation! he told me I could have full custody and just went to Nepal.

Wanda: oh my god...

Emrys: I don't know what I'm going to tell them, specially Verena 

Wanda: shes a smart kid 

Emrys: ill just tell them that he went on a trip and he won't come back for a long time 

Wanda: ok, if you need anything I'm right here (hugs her)

Emrys: thanks honey

Wanda leaves*

Emrys: Asher, Verena can you come here, please 

Asher: what is it, mom?

Emrys: I want to tell you guys something 

Verena: what is it, mommy?

Emrys: your daddy just went on a trip and he won't come back for a long time 

Verena: where did he go?

Emrys: he went to a country named Nepal

Verena: why did he go?

Emrys: because... he had to go and help the sorcerer's in there, do you remember when we went there?

Verena: yeah

Asher: I'm going to miss him

Emrys: i know, me too 

Verena: I'm mad at him

Emrys: Verena?

Verena: how could he leave us for the sorcerers? 

Emrys: he didn't leave us

Verena: I know he did mom!

Asher: dad left us?

Emrys: no, no he didn't Verena don't say that!

Verena: you can't lie to me mom

Emrys: go to your room I'll call you for dinner

Verena: MOM!

Emrys: I SAID GO to your room

she prepared dinner and they had a very awkward time at the table but deep down emrys knew that verena would find out sooner or later about it. She was a very clever girl who was extremely smart when it came to these things. a week past after Stephen left and emrys was handling things pretty well with the kids and all but the questions of "when is daddy coming back?" were killing her. Bucky didn't go to talk to her for a while because he thought it was bad timing but after a week he decided to go check on her and see if she was ok.

Knock on the door*

Emrys: someone get the door 

Asher: got it (opens the door)

Bucky: hey buddy! is your mom around?

Asher: hey uncle james! MOM UNCLE JAMES IS HERE  (he shouts) 

Emrys: who is it? (comes at the door) oh hey buck, what are you doing here?

Bucky: i just wanted to come and check on you

Emrys: there's no need for that, but come in! asher go get your sister your school bus is here you're gonna be late!


Verena: I'M COMING! bye mom (kisses her)

Emrys: bye honey! 

the kids leave and bucky comes in the house*

Bucky: so, i see you're quite busy

Emrys: yeah, well I'm a mom now and its pretty hard to believe huh?

Bucky: yeah... how are you doing?

Emrys: I'm doing good, look... I'm really sorry that i went off at you that day stephen had just left and i was really angry and mad

Bucky: no, don't apologize i shouldn't have meddled in like that.

Emrys: do you want anything, cuz i gotta run to work real quick

Bucky: no its fine, i just wanted to tell you that... (holds her hand) if you need anything or if anything happens, you know I'm here for you right? 

Emrys: yeah (smiles)

Bucky: (he smiles and stares at her for a while) well go don't be late!

Emrys: ok! bye 

After going over to emrys's house he decided that he was going to help her out and be with her during the hard time shes having being a single mom, so he decided to go and pickup the kids from school.

Asher: UNCLE JAMES! (he says excitedly) 

Bucky: hey buddy! (hugs him) wheres your sister 

Asher: She's coming 

Verena: hi uncle james, what are you doing here? i thought my mom was coming to pick us up

Bucky: yeah, but i decided i was going to come and pick you guys up to help your mom out, are you guys hungry?

Verena: does my mom know you're coming to get us?

Bucky: yeah, don't worry

Asher: I'm really hungry 

Bucky: do you guys want ice cream?

Verena: can we have icecream?

Bucky: yeah, of course why do you ask?

Verena: because mom does let us have ice cream during competition week, she says its not good.

Bucky: I'm sure one time wont hurt 

Asher: LETS GO! 

he took them out for icecream, called emrys and told her that he was picking them up from school and taking them for icecream. then he asked her to come to them too.


Emrys: its ok honey, thanks for picking them up

Bucky: no worries, anytime. so what competition is she talking about?

Emrys: shes a professional karate player and she has a competition this week.

Bucky: she is just like you emrys, inside and out!

Emrys: yeah, shes her class star they're gonna send her to nationals 

Bucky: does she train with you?

Emrys: yeah, at home she does outside her classes 

Bucky: she has something in her. shes extremely smart!

Emrys: i know, its crazy 

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