Chapter 17: Peter Parker

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Everyone knows peter parker. he's a 16-year-old sophomore at midtown high, just figured out he has these amazing powers. of course, he's good at being spiderman but is he good at not being spiderman? if you don't understand me, what I mean is what is he without a suit? because if he's nothing without a suit he shouldn't even have one!
Yes, he has stamina, abdominal strength, and flexibility, but can he go to combat without a suit and still win? no not really, or at least that's what tony stark believes.

Tony: NO

Peter: Mr stark PLEASE! I can be an avenger I have proved it to you!

Tony: Fine, give me the suit 

Peter: Wait, what?!

Tony: if you think you're ready then give me the suit and come to the next mission without it! any other words

Peter: I can't fight without my suit!

Tony: if you are nothing without a suit then you shouldn't HAVE IT!

Peter: Mr stark with all due respect, what are you without a suit?

Tony: a genius billionaire 

Peter: f-fair enough 

Tony: that's what I thought, now if you think you can be an avenger then prove me wrong 

Peter: and how do I do that?

Emrys: hey, is everything ok here?

Tony: Emrys! what perfect timing! now this is the answer to your question kid

Emrys: what question? maybe I can help

Tony: of course you can! Emrys you know peter right

Emrys: oh parker, that spider guy right? he's pretty cool

Peter: (he blushes)

Tony: yeah but is he still cool without a suit?

Emrys: oh I see the problem here, 

Tony: yes, so I want you to train him 

Emrys: you want me to train him?

Tony: yes, you are one of the strongest avengers I mean for god sake you took down cap

Peter: Woah!

Tony: so, will you train him?

Emrys: yes, but it's going to be brutal. I hope you know what you're signing up for here

Peter: I guess

Emrys: great, we start tomorrow at 5

Peter: really isn't a bit late?

Emrys: 5 am


Emrys: I know that's why we train from 5-8 then you take your bus to school come back here after school at 3 and train till 7

Peter: b-but I got homework and I gotta study

Emrys: well, if you really want something this big to be part of your life, you need to make some sacrifices, are you willing to do that?

Peter: yes

Emrys: then I will see you tomorrow (she leaves the room)

Peter: shes hot

Tony: DON'T   EVEN   think about it 

Peter: All alright alright, I'm sorry 

Peter goes to bed that night very excited but also nervous about his training tomorrow. he is excited to see what Emrys brings to the table. even though he knows it's going to be hard, he knows what he's doing and is willing to sacrifice all his free time for that because he wants to be the greatest avenger among the rest.

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