Chapter 27: I'm back bitch's and I have a surprise

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After Stephen and Emrys got married they went to Kama-taj for a holiday because Stephen wanted to show Emrys where he trained and they stayed there for a while. They both decided to get a stable job to be able to have a normal life. Stephen got back into neurology and started working at the hospital again but still practiced magic, and Emrys started her own fitness program and set up her own gym which became very successful. They had always talked about getting a life after the war and starting normal lives and well, there it was. Emrys still sometimes used her powers so she wouldn't forget because her abilities reminded her of Asgard and her family. In between the holidays, Emrys and Stephen went to visit thor in the modern Asgard but never considered living there because of the life they set up for themselves in Chicago, she had a huge argument about it with thor. Years past and they were happily living until:

Emrys: how do I even use this?

Wanda: just pee on it you genius

Emrys: OK, no need for the bitterness 

after a while*

Emrys: ok I'm done 

Wanda: great, now we have to wait for a few minutes 

They waited for a few minutes to get the results of what you're about to find out.

Wanda: ok I think it's ready

Emrys: alright, here goes nothing 

Wanda: what does it say 

Emrys: oh (looks sad)

Wanda: oh fuck 

Emrys: I'M PREGNANT!!!

Wanda: AAAAHHHHH!!! 

Emrys: OH MY GAAAD!!!!!

Wanda: OH, OH, OH MY GOD IMMA BE AN AUNT (they hug and scream for like 15 minutes straight) 


Wanda: that's the best part! 

she goes to the doctor and gets a sonography of her stomach to prepare for the surprise. She got home and framed the photo and put it in a bag.

Stephen: I'm home

Emrys: hi honey (they kiss) 

Stephen: whats this bag on the table 

Emrys: open it 

Stephen: (opens the bag) oh it's a pictures frame 

Emrys: well, open out the wrapper!

Stephen: (rips it open) oh my god...

Emrys: yeah!

Stephen: are you pregnant? (tears up)

Emrys: yeah (teras up) 

Stephen: I'm gonna be a father? (started crying)

Emrys: yeah! (wipes her tears) 

Stephen: I'm GONNA BE A FATHER!!! (hugs her and kisses her)

Stephen: (kneels on the ground and puts his hands on her stomach) you are going to be the most beautiful baby in the world 

Emrys: They will be more than that 

Stephen: and don't give your mother a hard time, wait... they?

Emrys: They're twins, it turns out I've been pregnant for 3 months and didn't know it!

Stephen: well, do you know the gender!

Emrys: a boy and a girl

Stephen: oh my god, what could be more perfect than this (hugs her and lifts her up in the air) 

Emrys: nothing could be more perfect than this....

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