Chapter 8: Meet the avengers

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With the help of heimdall they arrive on earth. it is very normal for thor because he had already been to earth before, for emrys on the other hand It was a totally different world. she had no idea about what she had been seeing, what was it? where was she? you are these people?
anyways she spend about a week with thor teaching her about everything, phones, cars, red lights, buildings and normal things that we humans use. After a week of earth class with thor, he felt that she was ready to meet the avengers. 
They drove to tony stark (aka ironman) to meet up with the rest of the avengers.

Thor: ok, no need to be nervous sister, the're like family.

Emrys: nervous? who said i was nervous? i am excited to meet these people!

Thor: ok then. shall we?

He shows her the way to the room, they both walk in. 

Steve, tony, dr strange, peter, natasha, Rwanda, vision, hawkeye and bucky all together: THOR!

Thor: hello everyone

Steve: hey man what are you doing here? (hugs him)

Tony: ya man long time no see!

Bucky: and who is that?!

Thor: well that's the reason why I'm here, guys this is my sister, emrys odinson

Emrys: hey guys

Steve: shit...

Tony: language 

Steve: (glares at him)

Nat: hi emrys I'm natasha aka blackwidow

Emrys: nice to meet you natasha 

Wanda: so what are your powers Emrys?

Emrys: I'm the godess of thunder

stephen (dr strange): wait but i thought-

Thor: we're twins shes just a tiny, tiny bit more powerful

Emrys: i posses the powers of zeus

Steve: well look who beat you

Peter: hi I, i... im peter

Emrys: hi peter, who are you in the superhero world

Peter: i'm spiderman you know the flexible, sticky, spidery one ehehe never mind.

Wanda: someone has a little crush

Tony: no no ones having nay crushes, welcome to the avengers emrys 

Steve: wait, wait, wait hold up there stark arent we gonna test her?

Tony: she possesses the powers of Zeus, rogers 

Steve: yeah but has she got any physical strength, i mean at least shes gotta beat nat

Emrys: oh i see, you wont believe that I have physical streghnth as a woman because im not a former Russian mafia spy?

bucky: roasted.

Peter: shes feisty!

Stephen: you've got quiet the tongue emrys

Emrys: ill take that as a compliment 

they both have a romantic look at each other with Stephen falling for her.

Tony: ok fine we'll test her, dont go too harsh on her rogers

Thor: you really dont think she can handle it can you?

Emrys: oh dont worry im good with pressure, it motivates me (looks at rogers)

They start the fight, rogers tries to punch her but she hold his punch and turns his hand the other way while kicking him in the stomach. he gets back up and elbows her shoulder, she turns her head then  while rogers tries to punch her, she does a back flip to get away and lands a hook on his face, imedietly doing an uppercut to his chin. they continue this for the next 20 mins until steve lands on the ground with emrys stepping on his back. then she flips her hair and says:

Emrys: anyone else?

Thor: told you 

Emrys: any other bigot or anti feminist comments that need to be taken care of?

Peter: no ma'am 

Nat: he's drooling over her (whispers to tony) 

Wanda: i think i like her

Emrys: dont give it a second thought (winks)

bucky and steve both give her a smirk while Stephen tries to hide his smile.

She goes up to her room to unpack.

Bucky: you were great out there

Emrys: why thank you...

Bucky: bucky, bucky barnes 

Emrys: my pleasure 

Bucky: would you want to maybe- (was about to ask her out)

Emrys: i think its a little too soon for that (smirks at him and leaves the room to go to thor)

shes on the way to thors room until,

Steve: i'm sorry

she looks at him

Steve: i shouldn't have judged you so soon

Emrys: rogers is it?

Steve: rogers, steve rogers

Emrys: apology accepted

Steve: well im glad to hear that (smirks at her)

she goes to thors room. she sees him lying on the bed and jumps on him and lays down with him

Thor: UGHHH OH UH (screams on pain) EMRYS!

Emrys: (giggles) your friends 

Thor: ahh what about them?

Emrys: they are very, interesting people

Thor: ahh you'll get used to it. 

I'm Emrys Odinson Goddess of thunderWhere stories live. Discover now