Chapter 23: Back in Asgard

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Emrys, Thor, and Loki went back to Asgard to fix some issues because the dark elves had just attacked and the king and queen were dead, or little did Emrys know. Thor and Loki hadn't told her yet since she had just lost bucky! after bucky's death Emrys was very messed up! she was so depressed and broken that she didn't want to do anything but she knew that she didn't have time for that because Asgard had just gone through war and there was no time for any crying or grieving. She was holding herself together as much as she could.

Emrys: oh my god...

Loki: Asgard just went to war with Laufey and the dark elves. they came and ruined everything, they were looking for the tesseract.

Thor: Clearly we have some managing to do.

Loki: one of us has to rule Asgard 

Thor: there are no options I'm obviously the one who gets the throne  

Loki: what do you mean! 

Thor: Loki I am the right heir of the throne and I will become king 

Loki: is that really what father would've wanted? 

Thor: yes!

Loki: then why did he abandon you to earth on your coronation day 

Emrys: well why don't we go and ask him now?

Loki: Oh darling...

Thor: father is dead Emrys

Emrys: (swallows her sobbing and sadness) well, then we should ask mother 

Loki: mother was killed by the dark elves 

Emrys: (she faints)

Thor: EMRYS! 

She was so shaken by her mother's death that she passed out. they called the guards and took her to the castle. She woke up quickly and picked herself up.

Loki: wow wow Emrys doesn't get up like that, you should sit down for a while

Emrys: there's no time for sitting down Loki! the kingdom is a wreck and we are sitting around and doing nothing.

Thor: I get that you're grieving right now but don't do this, give yourself a break and let us do some things today 

Emrys: I appreciate your understanding but you lost just as much as you did today and that doesn't make either of us any special, so let's get up and fix this mess before something worse happens.... that's what mother and father would've wanted

Loki: that is what they would've wanted 

4 years passed after the great loss and Asgard is back to normal and things are going well. Thor and Loki are doing well but Emrys is not the same person she used to be yes she is smiling and taking care of everything but deep down there's a part of her that's broken. every night she goes to their big balcony and holds her mother's handkerchief. 

Loki: Emrys

Emrys: hi Loki, what are you doing here 

Loki: (she puts his hands on her face) are you ok?

Emrys: what do you mean I'm completely fine

Loki: no you're not, Emrys it's about time you start talking about what you're feeling and how you're feeling

Emrys: there's no time for that 

Loki: why not? everything is back to normal and the kingdom and on track, it's what mother would've wanted.

Emrys: mother wouldn't have wanted me to cry all day and act depressed 

Loki: but he would've wanted you to think of yourself once in a while

Emrys: it's like my heart has stopped from four years ago like I'm not capable of loving anyone that way anymore. he was the love of my life and he died right in front of my eyes, then I come home after years to find out my kingdom is wrecked and my parents are dead. you know sometimes I still hear his voice in my head calling me "Doll" and I turn around and he's not there (tears came in her eyes) 

Loki: Even though it's hard to believe just think that he and mother and father are looking over you and that they see whatever you are doing, and if they were here right now they would've been SO SO proud of you Emrys, you're a strong woman, my love. 

thor had been thinking about something for a while now, he was thinking of giving the throne to Loki and leaving to earth with Emrys because o the avengers and because it would be good for Emrys to come and see the avengers. He gave Loki the Throne and left to earth with Emrys.

Emrys: hello everyone 

Nat: Emrys!!! 

they all greeted her and they hugged and talked for a while, she was on the balcony while.

Steve: hey

Emrys: hello steve 

Steve: just came to check up on you 

Emrys: wasn't really necessary (says with a sad smile) 

Steve: Have you been doing alright?

Emrys: well, I have been trying to hold on and be strong for the sake of my brothers and my kingdom, you?

Steve: well, bucky and I go way back in 1940 and he was a good friend of mine, so it was pretty unbelievable at first. I understand what it's like to do someone you love.

Emrys: I know, James told me about Peggy

Steve: well, it's not only Peggy that I lost...... I lost you too at some point, and I cant tell you how glad i am that we are talking right now.

Emrys: Steve, I forgave a long time ago because I realized that life is too short to not forgive, even though we are immortal. 

Steve: Well then why didn't you talk to me?

Emrys: because I was in Asgard when I realized that

Steve: What made you realize that?

Emrys: After my parents died, it made me so depressed that at some point, I was dead inside and incapable of love. my point is I never forgave my father for what he did to me and the moment I came to realize that I should, it was too late...

Steve: Look, I'm really for what I did before and it was probably the biggest mistake I made in my life.

Emrys: I'm glad you came to realize that, but if you think that we have a chance now, I'm sorry but we don't. 

Steve: why not (gets close to her)

Emrys: steve the romance between you and me ended a long time ago and I personally wouldn't entertain it now. but thank you for the time we spent together... it was very much enjoyed (she leaves). 

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