Chapter 15: Bucky calls me doll

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They kissed! well basically made out on the couch and Steve saw them, the moment he turned his head he saw them going to the room.

Sharon: what's wrong steve?

Steve: I think you should leave 

Sharon: what! why?

Steve: we broke up Sharon! plus I have feelings for someone else and I just kissed you out of pity so I suggest you leave.

Sharon: PLEASE! steve I think we have a chance (kisses him again) 

Steve: (pushes her away) leave. 

The next morning came. Steve was in the kitchen in the worst mood ever getting himself his third cup of coffee in the last 2 hours, On the other hand, bucky and Emrys had a one-night stand, or at least it seemed like it. bucky had feelings for Emrys from long before while Emrys was starting to feel something for him. they woke up snuggling in bed together, Emrys got out of bed to go outside and talk to nat without bucky finding out. 

Emrys: hey nat, can we talk

Nat: sure

Emrys: so-

Nat: is Barnes in there

Emrys: yup

Nat: did you guys sleep together?

Emrys: yeah, at first I wanted to make steve jealous because he literally kissed Sharon last night-

Nat: no friggin way

Emrys: yeah and then after we kissed, we made out, and the next thing I know we are on the way to the bedroom.

Nat: did steve actually kiss Sharon

Emrys: yes, and a few hours before that on the mission, he french kissed me in the middle of the battle

Nat: WHAT!

Emrys: oh you still don't know, well you saw dracov and passed out so I carried you and before I did he was like "be careful" and kissed me so then when I saw him with Sharon I was like what the fuck, you know?

Nat: bro that's messed up

Wanda: god morning ladies, whats the morning gossip or today 

Nat: bucky and Emrys had a one night stand 

Wanda: what? 

Emrys: (she explained the whole thing to her) 

Wanda: really?! but they broke up ages ago!

Emrys: well apparently not, he guys imma get back before he wakes up

Nat: ok (smirks) 

Emrys: (throws a pillow at her) shut up 

she gets back in the bed and lays down with bucky, after a few minutes he wakes up.

Bucky: good morning doll (sweet smile)

Emrys: good morning (they kiss)

Bucky: where did you go this morning 

Emrys: I went to talk with the girls 

Bucky: was it about steve?

Emrys: well steve and you, I wanted to be sure about what this was

Bucky: I hope I'm not the only one who thinks-

Emrys: you're not

Bucky: Well I'm glad to hear that (kisses her)

Emrys: well cmon we gotta get ready for training plus i think we have some business to get to today.

Bucky: uugh cant we stay a little longer 

Emrys: NO (giggles) get up Barnes. 

They get up and go into the meeting room to do some work and to see what missions they have to get to. 

Tony: (explains the mission) so I'm the lead with sam as my assist and the other lead can be Emrys and her assist is cap (then explains what everyone else has to do.
Emrys walks to the equipment room to get ready.

Steve: hey 

Emrys: good morning 

Steve: are you sure you wanna have me as your lead?

Emrys: yes captain, I do not let my personal feelings interfere with my work especially if it has to do with peoples lives (she does her work while saying this and doesn't have eye contact with him)

Steve: ok, hows bucky 

Emrys: (she doesn't show any expressions and without looking at him she leaves the room) 

Wanda: your acting cool around steve 

Emrys: its cuz I am cool, I don't need to act

bucky is walking to the equipment room to get his stuff ready for the battle when he sees steve there.

Steve: what are you doing man?

Bucky: the real question is what are you doing, playing with people's feelings, you don't look 100 years old but for gid sakes, you are 100 years old.

Steve: and that gives you the right to go sleep with her?!

Bucky: I got feelings for her the day I saw her beat your ass so it's not like it's fresh, your criticizing me?! what the fuck were you doing with Sharon?

Steve: it's nothing, its just 

Bucky: no I know what it is, you went to Sharon because she's an easy target and Emrys is not! she's not like any other girl you have dealt with steve! you want her you gotta earn her, she's someone to respect and fear, she's the only girl that doesn't fall of your feet. you don't even try to earn her because you know that you don't deserve her. So get over yourself!

Steve: you think you can treat her right?

Bucky: YES....

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