Chapter 24: you're the one, always have and always will be

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Steve is very disappointed after Emrys turned her down, I mean after he comforted her and she cried in her arms, (which by the way was 5 years ago) and after today's little small talk he really thought that he could get back together with her. he thought that he could open that lock in her heart that was locked 5 years ago. 
Emrys walk over to her room and on the way she sees bucky's room, she went inside and looked at his things. she saw their pictures and his badges from war, she saw his phone and smelled his clothes. She didn't want to cry because she believed, as Loki told her that he's watching over her and doesn't want to see her so broken, she didn't cry but she wore one of bucky's t-shirts and sat on his bed. she started talking:

Emrys: I'm wearing your shirt Jamie, its the one I got you for Christmas. remember when I wrapped it with mickey mouse wrapping paper because I didn't have time to go to the store to get proper wrapping paper (giggles and wipes her tears) what a time. 

she sits there holding a picture of him. she did the same in Asgard all the time, she went into their huge balcony and started talking to bucky hoping it would comfort her. Stephen walks in:

Stephen: we decided to keep his room as a memory so we don't forget him

Emrys: well, you did the right thing he always has to and will be remembered.

Stephen: Emrys I know that bucky's death has been hard on you but, you have to move on

Emrys: I know, I'm trying. Believe me

Stephen: it's been 5 years 

Emrys: you think I don't know that? it has been so hard that it felt like it had been 10 years 

Stephen: Emrys- 

Emrys: I lost everything together Stephen, I lost bucky then I lost my mother and father then I lost my best friend in a battle, and I almost lost my kingdom. and the worst part is I lost my father right when I wanted to forgive him. (tears come into her eyes. 

Stephen: (he hugs her tight and kisses her head) shhh it's ok,

steve was passing by when he saw Stephen kiss Emrys's forehead and hug her. he left immediately.

Stephen: come, it's best if you don't come to his room.

Emrys: thank you Stephen (she leaves) 

a few weeks passed and Stephen tries to spend as much time as he can with Emrys and they grow closer and she deals better with her loss. she was feeling so much better than before, she made herself busy with training and fighting and took her job back at the school, she was going today for her first day back.  

Peter: Emrys?!

Emrys: hello peter 

Peter: oh my god your back! (he jumps and hugs her tight) I missed you so much!

Emrys: I missed you too! how have you been?

Peter: I've been doing really well, why'd you leave!?

Emrys: I had to go back to Asgard for a while to fix things, but I'm back now and I'm here to take my job back.

Peter: (takes a deep breath) you don't know how glad I am that you're back

Emrys: (smiles and pats his shoulder, then looks away and sees flash)

Flash: Miss Odinson! you're back (says nervously and excitedly) 

Emrys: yes I am, is that caroline? 


Emrys: oh (giggles) hi caroline, how are you?

Caroline: I'm good I'm great actually! 

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