Chapter 9: The first mission

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It was the next morning, Emrys woke up earlier than everyone else and didn't know what to do so she got out of bed and went outside to do some training. She headed downstairs and saw a huge room full of machines to use and it was called a gym, but instead, she decided to go into the huge yard and work on some martial arts. she spent about 2 hours outside working on flips tricks and kicks. Steve woke up thinking he was the first one to wake up like always not knowing he had a new rivalry with his new teammate. he went downstairs made a protein shake and headed to the gym, he looked out the window and saw Emrys practicing martial arts with weapons. he went outside:

Steve: how long have you been up?

Emrys: good morning rogers

Steve: I'm the one who gets up the earliest, what time did you wake up?

Emrys: (lands her backflip) eh it's been bout 3 hours 

Steve: What are you working on

Emrys: eh just some martial arts and weapons, and backflips I guess 

Steve: so I'm thinking you don't even do cardio and abs after 2 hours of this

Emrys: are you kidding! this is just a warm-up I'm about to go and do my actual workout, care to join me?

Steve: Oh I see

Emrys: you do? 

They both giggle 

she took him through her whole workout he challenged her a few times in between, and after 2 hours they finally finished their workout.

Emrys: oof I'm ready to have some breakfast now

Steve: are you saying that you did ALL of this on an empty stomach?!

Emrys: yeah it works best for me
now let's go and get some breakfast before I vomit

Thor: hello sister, did you have a nice workout?

Emrys: yeah but I'm ready to eat, do these earthlings have good food or not

Thor: hell yes they do ill give you one of my favorites sit down 

She goes and sits down at the kitchen counter waiting for thor to prepare it.

Thor: so this is called scrambled eggs and this... oh this is HEAVEN, it's called pop tarts!

Emrys: huh ill give them a try... oh MY GOD WHAT IS THIS!?

Peter: I know its some good shit 

Emrys: morning 

Tony: good morning people, enough with the small talk, we have a few missions we have to get to

Steve: Yeah, I saw the report we need to split into 3 groups, strange you go with Emrys and peter, thor you go with nat and banner and I will go with tony and Wanda the rest of you stay in and manage the rest of the things.

Emrys: on it

they went on the mission, and during the mission, peter was completely out of focus, he was staring at Emrys and talking the whole time until tony called him and out asked him to go back to the tower and call vision to come instead. he was so disappointed but didn't regret any of it, meanwhile, Stephen (aka dr strange) and Emrys were working very well together, it's like they were the best partners, but steve was feeling kind of weird about it and wanted to be partnered up with her for the next time.

they came back from the mission and by the time they came back, it was, night and they were exhausted. Emrys was in her room taking off her hand warps and getting ready for bed.

Stephen (aka dr strange): hey you

Emrys: hello doc

Stephen: (he comes in her room and sits on her bed with her) you did well today for your first mission.

Emrys: you weren't too bad either

Stephen: I don't understand why Thor didn't tell us about you earlier

Emrys: well it's because he didn't know either

Stephen: what?

Emrys: I didn't know either, you see I was part of the valkyries destined to die because my own father was threatened by my powers and thought that I'd outshine him as the king and so he wanted to get rid of me.

Stephen: keep going...

Emrys: until one day Loki and thor overheard my mother's conversation with father and she told them everything, so they decided to come and find me and they just came to me and the rest of the valkyries and, then they told me, and I remember being so relieved

Stephen: Why relieved?

Emrys: because when I asked of my parent to the valkyries they told me my mother died giving birth to me and my father died of poverty and depression after my mother's death, so they found me and took me in. but all those years and thought that I was the cause of my mother's death, and never forgave myself. so when I saw my real mother I burst into tears of relief and joy.

Stephen: Wow, I didn't know that... I'm sorry

Emrys: no don't apologize it turned out to be the best thing that happened to me, and I'm glad that I was that lucky to be able to come back because my sister didn't for the same reason.

Stephen: there's a question that I can't resist asking 

Emrys: go on

Stephen: hows your relationship with Loki

Emrys: great! he treats me differently than the others in our family, and I love him and thor deeply 

Stephen: Oh god, has thor told you the reason why he brought you here?

Emrys: yeah, he told me it was because there will be more opportunities for me here 

Stephen: you really don't know do you

Emrys: cut the crap and get to your point, please

Stephen: come with me 

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