Chapter 18: is parker in love?

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After weeks and weeks of training with Emrys, peter was finally ready to go on one of the missions with the avengers WITHOUT a suit. peter and Emrys grew a lot closer since they were spending 7 hours a day together and it had been a roller coaster of emotions for peter. of course, he was a kid, and about all the avengers knew that he had a crush on her even some of his classmates knew, he wouldn't SHUT UP ABOUT IT! he would go on and on about how she was beautiful, strong, tough, feisty, hot and one thing he wouldn't stop talking about was her eyes. he described them as the ocean and, well.... whatever. long story short he was falling for her.

Clint: don't you think it's cute

Bucky: what?

Clint: peters crush on Emrys

Bucky: he has a crush on Emrys!?

Clint: yeah, what are you freaking about?

Bucky: well she's my girlfriend 

Clint: really?! well I think you should make that clear for parker, cuz he's clearly taking his shot. 

bucky felt nervous about that. I mean he almost lost her to steve! he couldn't lose her against. he decided to talk to Emrys and kind of get her in the mood or in short words seduce her.

Emrys: ok Pete you're done for today 

Peter: ok thank you

Emrys: also I wanted to talk to you about something

Peter: (says nervously yeah what is it 

Emrys: I know I went really hard on you and we had a few blowouts in between but I just want you to know I did it for you because I want you to be the best. and because I made tony a promise.

Peter: yeah, of course, I love spending time with you 

Emrys: (she smirks confused) 

Peter: I mean I LIKE spending time with- i... better leave, bye 

while he's on the way out 

tony: hey kid, can I talk to you for a sec 

Peter: yes Mr stark what is it 

Tony: you have worked really hard to get where you are right now and so I realized you are worthy to get your suit back 


Tony: also don't mind the fact that she made it tough for you these past few months, she had it rough

Peter: (He turns back and looks at him kind of hock wondering what she's been through) yeah, bye Mr stark. 

after peter left bucky was trying to do something to turn Emrys on or try to make some love with her because let's be real he was jealous. he was also worried that Emrys would fall in love with peter.

Bucky: hey doll (he's in the bathroom of Emrys's room)

Emrys: hey buck (throws herself on the bed with exhaust)
i am so tired 

Bucky: oh yeah? well why don't we uh (comes out of the bathroom with his shirt of) do something tonight 

Emrys: oh the last thing I am is turned on, believe me 

Bucky: Oh come on we haven't spent time together properly in ages 

Emrys: buck you come to my room almost every morning to say good morning 

Bucky: so, I have separation anxiety 

Emrys: you hardly ever seduce me like this to do "it" though. we just cuddle 

Bucky: so, you don't wanna do it 

Emrys: somethings fishy (she raises her eyebrows)

Bucky: w-w-what do you mean 

Emrys: James Buchanan?

Bucky: WHAT?

Emrys: are you jealous (giggles)

Bucky: JEALOUS? (makes his voice deep and flexes his abs) jealous of who?

Emrys: Parker?

Bucky: why would I be jealous of parker? should I be jealous of parker?

Emrys: oh my god you are the cutest thing EVER (holds his face and squishes his cheeks and kisses him)

Bucky: (makes a cute grumpy face) 

Emrys: of course you shouldn't, he doesn't stand a chance 

Bucky: (he smiles and hugs her) 

Emrys: how does he have a chance when I have a boyfriend as handsome as you 

Bucky: I love it when you compliment me

Emrys: everyone does 

Bucky: why?

Emrys: because I don't do it often, I don't sugarcoat things and I'm blunt so when i actually do compliment someone it's meaningful.

Bucky: how did I get so lucky?

Emrys: now I don't want you to worry about another man stealing me ever again. ok? I'm not steve 

Bucky: ok (kisses her) goodnight doll. 

Meanwhile, Peter was at home trying to do his physics homework but he was very distracted. he wasn't sure how he was feeling, actually, he did he was just in denial! he figured out he couldn't lie to himself and finally realized that he had a crush on Emrys. he actually thought that he could date her! he didn't even know that bucky Barnes was her boyfriend! therefore he kind of convinced himself that she feels the same way about him because they were spending so much time together. he decided that he is going to ask her out tomorrow. 

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