Chapter 11: A great leader

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Avengers argued with each other a lot, but one thing they argued about a lot was leadership. especially tony and steve, but when Emrys came into the team she shared her opinion on why the leaders should either be Tony or steve because each member could lead just as well. they decided to vote to see who can be the leader, but there was a problem thor and Emrys tied with equal amounts of votes so tony suggested that they should have a match (fighting physically) to see who can be the leader for the upcoming mission.

Thor always wanted to lead a mission for as long as he can remember and he finally thought that this could be his chance of becoming the lead!
but there was an obstacle in his way... Emrys

before the fight 

Thor: Emrys can I talk to you for a sec 

Emrys: make it quick the last thing I am is patient before a fight 

Thor: let's cut to the chase, I have been wanting this for as long as I can remember, longer than you have wanted this. so if you could just, you know

Emrys: oh so you want a handycap?

Thor: shhhh, sh keep your voice down

Emrys: so let me clear this out, you know that you cant win so you want me to let you win? huh, no way in hell brother

Thor: i cant win? huh i can squash you with my pinky!

Emrys: you sure about that

(they stand really close to each other, in each others faces)

Tony: ok enough with the brother sister rivalry lets get to it

They get into their position, and.... ready.. to.... ATTACK

She wins the fight, ready to lead the next mission.

she takes a shower and comes downstairs to the lounge,

Steve (aka captain America): you were great out there

Emrys: thank you 

Steve: thor is pissed

Emrys: he has no right to be, if he wanted it that badly, he could've earned it 

Steve: something going on between you two?

Emrys: oh nothing i really don't wanna talk about it

Steve: oh, so you found out 

Emrys: so i really was the only one who didn't know 

Steve: (he giggles) yeah

Emrys: (talks over him) i mean really? (she also giggles)

Steve: we should get ready for the mission (she gives her a romantic look)

Emrys: i guess we should (she looks back at him the same way)

They go to the mission and split into groups of 3 emrys goes with nat and steve, thor went with dr strange and Rwanda, tony went with peter, vision and bucky.
during the mission it was a bit weird between Stephen and thor because they fought before. during the mission he kept saying he was sorry and he was talking back to him, Shoot* (sound of a bullet) ermys was shot in the leg and she was shot with a rim diameter and was hurt pretty badly:

Emrys: ahhh

Steve: emrys!

Nat: are you ok 

Emrys: i'm fine,  NAT WATCH OUT (she roles over in front of nat and takes another bullet)

Nat: Emrys!

Emrys: ill be fine, you just keep going (and then passes out because the bullet went into her stomach) 

Steve: EMRYS!, OH THIS IS NOT GOOD paging thor, emrys is shot im gonna take her back to the tower, join nat and take over our part with strange and the rest.

Thor: is she ok??!!

Steve: she will be 

Emrys: (she wakes up) NO!

Steve: your awake! Thor shes all good


Steve: emrys you were shot with a rim diameter and a nitro express you are gonna die

Emrys: i think you sometimes forget that im a goddess and not a human (she rips part part of her clothes and raps it around her leg and her stomach as she gets back up to fight)

She got up and went to the battle field just like the goddess that she is and beat the crap out of all of the enemies, it was a tough battle. she had to use some of her thunder tricks, she created thunderbolts and hit all her opponents while ignoring the pain and acted just like the great leader she was meant to be.
loki was watching over her from above like a proud brother or whatever he thinks of himself. "that's my girl" he says with pride.

She stands up after finishing her mission as the leader and says "good job everyone, you did great" then without control she falls into steves arms passing out.

I'm Emrys Odinson Goddess of thunderWhere stories live. Discover now