Chapter 30: James Buchanan Barnes?

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Exactly 10 years have passed and Emrys and Stephen now have 2 children. Their son Asher Ragnar Strange, and their daughter Verena Octavia Strange. Asher possessed the powers of thor and was the god of thunder but also possessed the powers of his father, but the case for Verena was quite different she possessed the powers of Zeus just like her mother and was extremely powerful, even more than her mother. She would train with her mother every day because she had trouble trying to control it. Stephen had a problem, he felt kind of uncomfortable with Emrys visiting bucky's grave every Sunday. I mean the man had a point that was her ex-boyfriend and she had a really hard time trying to get over her before so I guess he was weirded out.

Emrys: ok I'm going to go now

Stephen: honey before you go, I need to talk to you about something 

Emrys: mhm (she turned to him waiting for him to talk) 

Stephen: I am a little comfortable with you visiting bucky's grave every day 

Emrys: I mean it's not like I'm just going there to visit him I mostly go there to visit nat 

Stephen: yeah but, (Emrys's phone rings)

Emrys: one sec it's Wanda, hello?

Wanda: hey! its an emergency 

Emrys: what's wrong?

Wanda: I talked to sam and.... bucky's alive 

Emrys: (the phone falls from her hand and she freezes)

Wanda: hello? Emrys? are you there?

Stephen: whats happened?

Emrys: bucky's alive... 

Stephen: oh my god!!

he was captured by hydra right after he fell to the ground and died in her arms, they took him in and brought him back.

Well, this was great for Stephen, now bucky wasn't even dead anymore. he was happy that he was alive but he was so afraid that Emrys would cheat on him. Anyhow he was captured by Hydra and had his memory erased and was under their complete control. They try to come up with a plan of finding him and to try and get him back and hopefully his memories along with it.
after trying really hard they managed to find him but Emrys couldn't really participate as much as she wanted because of Stephen but tried to do as much as she could with bruce. 

Sam: (calling her) we found him

Emrys: what! did you get him?

Sam: yeah but we need you to come here

Emrys: is it urgent?

Sam: yeah, we need you to talk to him to try and get his memories back 

Emrys: ok I'll be right there 

Stephen: where are you going?

Emrys: they need me

Stephen: why?

Emrys: because I need to bring his memory back I gotta go (Kisses him) love you 

she drives up there to bucky pointing a gun at sam, clint, and peter.
Stephen follows her secretly.

Emrys: hey!

Bucky: (he points the gun at her while breathing heavily) 

Emrys: It's me! Emrys 

Bucky: (he attacks her and fights her) 

Emrys: (she manages to get him on the ground) James! calm down, it's me remember? you called me doll (quotes something she told him before) "give him the Tesseract, I'll get it back" 

Bucky: (he pushes her to the ground)

Emrys: (she quotes what he told her) "it's ok doll, I love you" 

Bucky: Emrys? is that you?

Emrys: YES! OH (hugs him tightly and starts crying) It's you!! it's really you!!

he hugs everyone and they all get so emotional. They decide to get back to the avenger's headquarters and she tells him everything from the people that died to the wars they had and the modern Asgard and how they all fell apart for a while.

Bucky: tony's dead?! Nat too?!

Emrys: yes, and vision 

Bucky: oh my god...

Emrys: I know its a lot to take in, but.... you don't know how glad I am that you're here

Bucky: I know, me too 

Emrys: I'm sorry can you excuse me for a minute (she goes to get some air because she's so shocked and is getting emotional)

Wanda: She's fine, she's just a little shocked 

Bucky: Yeah, I get that 

Wanda: She went through a lot after you died 

Bucky: what happened to her?

Wanda: first she lost you, then she lost her parents, then Loki, and then Asgard. but what I'm talking about is what she went through after you died. it gave her so much heartache that made her depressed for 6 years, it's was like she was incapable of loving anyone.

Verena: (her daughter walks in looking for her) Mom?

Bucky: who's this?

Verena: auntie wand do you know where my mom is?

Wanda: she went to the balcony why don't you wait here

Bucky: so, who are you

Verena: Verena Octavia Odinson Strange, and you are?

Bucky: Bucky Barnes, so you're the daughter of the goddess of thunder

Verena: and the keeper of the time stone 

Bucky: what?

Verena: my father in Stephen Strange, do you know him?

Bucky: yes I do know him actually 

Emrys: hey! 

Verena: hi mom, do you know where Asher is? he took my book again!

Emrys: he's probably with your dad 

Verena: ok (she leaves) 

Bucky: Asher?

Emrys: Asher Ragnar strange, he's my son

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