Chapter 37: Meeting the man who left me

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Asher: Dad?

Stephen: is that asher?

Peter: Yeah, he's 23 

Asher: what are you doing here 

Right while they are talking, Verena enter's the cafeteria because she has to work her shift and see's them and walks up to them.

Verena: Asher what are you doing here?

Asher: I came for my physio because I have to leave for The Netherlands tomorrow for my competition.

Stephen: What competition?

Asher: does that even matter now, I can't believe you just showed up like this after 13 years asking about my DAMM JOB!

Verena: Pete what are you doing here?

Peter: I came to look for you so we could have lunch and saw him

Stephen: Verena you're a surgeon now?

Verena: is that what matters right now? does it look like ai give a shit! yes, I'm MS1.

Peter: one of the best MS1's in new york 

Verena: (gives him a look) I don't even know why I'm talking to you sir, come one asher let's go to your physio. 

Stephen: will you please stop calling me sir! I am your father for crying out loud!

Verena: really? because I don't remember seeing you around for the past 13 years, weren't you, my father then too!




Verena: YES HE IS! I REMEMBER HIM BEING THERE WHEN I GOT MY FIRST PERIOD! WHERE ARE YOU THERE? NO! HE WAS THERE WHEN I GOT MY FIRST KARATE GOLD MEDAL, WHERE WERE YOU THERE? NO! HE WAS THERE WHEN I GOT MY FIRST BOYFRIEND, HE WAS THERE WHEN I BECAME A TEENAGER AND HE WAS THERE WHEN I GOT INTO YALE! but were you there? NO, BECAUSE YOU WERE IN FUCKING KAMAR TAJ DOING YOUR STUPID VOODOO MAGIC! but you know even when you were there, you weren't really their dad! you never talked to me or paid attention to me and I was a fucking idiot who was head over heels for you and YOU DIDNT GIVE A SHIT! so don't you dare call me your father now after seeing how successful I've become because YOU WERENT THERE WHEN I WAS BROKEN! WHEN I WAS WAITING FOR YOU TO COME BACK EVEN THOUGH YOU LEFT ME! I KEPT SAYING "god, I'll forgive him and not say anything, just make him come back" but it wasn't up to god and up to you so, I say goodbye to you now because I hope to never see you again.

Stephen: be careful what you wish for

Verena: were you careful 13 years ago?

Stephen: Verena I'm sorry!

Verena: goodbye sir

She leaves and takes asher to his physio. She is walking towards peter when she suddenly feels lightheaded.

Peter: Babe are you ok? you look really pale

Verena: yeah I'm fine, I'm just a little tired and stressed 

Peter: well come sit down for a bit

Verena: Peter I'm ok (puts her hand on his face and smiles at him) now I gotta get to work, you go and do your things and don't waste your time.

Peter: ok, if you say so 

Verena: (she stands up walks past Stephen and passes out) thud*

Stephen: OH MY GOD! 

Peter: VERENA! 

they take her to the emergency room and put her on the bed. After they look t some of her test results and realize that she is underweight and hasn't been sleeping well and eating well at all.

Stephen: oh my god these test results are horrendous!

Peter: Yeah, she hasn't been taking care of herself for a while now

Stephen: well, it's pretty common for med students to get this way, especially in their first year when they don't get to sleep at all.

Peter: Yeah... Verena is an amazing woman just like her mother. But I don't know why she tries so hard to be so much better than you.

Stephen: she doesn't really have to try, she is 

Emrys: (she arrives with back after getting a phone call from the hospital) Is she ok, where is she-

Stephen: (he stares Emrys) hello Emrys

Emrys: Stephen?

Bucky: about time you showed

Emrys: Stephen what are you doing here?

Bucky: can I talk to you for a minute?

(they step outside and bucky tells her everything) 

Emrys: why didn't you tell me this?

Bucky: Verena asked me not to 

Emrys: why?

Bucky: she didn't want it to be hard on you, because she knew how much you loved him

Emrys: my poor doll (rubs her head) 

Stephen: how are you emrys?

Emrys: how are you, you ask? well, im great 

Stephen: that's amazing 

Emrys:  but I wasn't so great when you left

Verena: (she wakes up) mom? oh my god MOM YOU WERENT SUPPOSED TO KNOW!

Emrys: Honey calm down! you just woke up after passing out for an hour!


Emrys: honey! im not a four year-old child I can handle things! i have handled a lot of things before

Stephen: Emrys I know you are going to say no but... can I see you for dinner tonight? it's not a date I just wanna talk

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