Chapter 7: He loves you so we're leaving

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it was the next morning and as per usual thor went to Emrys's room to wake her up for breakfast, he was about to knock on her door while Loki sprinted to her room to wake her up himself. thor was about to jump on her like every morning to you know scare her, it was a thing that they had together but Loki went and grabbed his cape from the back and pulled him away and pretending like he didn't know about the thing they had and said; "Brother what are you doing? You can't wake her up like that! she is going to have a heart attack, I'll wake her up you go to breakfast.' Then he slowly sat on the bed and ran his hands through her hair, calling her name with a soothing voice multiple times to wake her up. She opened her eyes and thought that was maybe mother just with a thicker voice, but sit ended up being Loki. Thor couldn't believe his eyes! he thought he was dreaming because never in a million years would Loki pamper or treat someone like that! it's like it wasn't even Loki.
Throughout breakfast and training thor was completely distracted and still couldn't believe his eyes, just the idea of a nice version of Loki never even crossed his mind.
They were back in the castle and Emrys was just standing by the balcony looking at the view, thor went next to her

Thor: you know you really changed him

Emrys: who?

Thor: Loki

Emrys: Did I?

Thor: yes I mean this morning he acted like mother for the love of Pete

Emrys: (she looks at him and giggles) 

Thor: I have known Loki for longer and believe me it takes a lot for Loki's nasty attitude to be impacted by anything, he's just so stubborn and-

Emrys: And so am I, I'm also stubborn and sarcastic but I think the reason for our good communication is because I understand him and... I guess I sympathize with him,
you know?

Thor: Well whatever you did, I have no clue how you did it, you changed him in a way that none of us could after trying for years  

Emrys: (smirks)

Thor: well I'm gonna go check on him, good night sis (kisses her forehead)

Emrys: (she hugs him) good night

He went over to Loki's room to check up on him and tell him how proud and shook he is.

Thor: (knocks on his door) hey 

Loki: hey

Thor: brother I'm really proud of you.

Loki: and why is that?

Thor: you've come to be a better person, I mean who thought one day of spending time with Emrys could change you so much!

Loki: Well don't get your hopes up too high brother because it's only for her... i want to make, her proud 

Thor: ok then, good for you.

Loki: I mean who knew,

Thor: who knew what?

Loki: All the good she brought to our family during these past few months.

Thor: (he was about to leave the room but turns back and looks at him) 

Loki: no wonder father abandoned her,

Thor: what?

Loki: you know how he is, he was obviously jealous of her. i mean who wouldn't be, she's talented, strong, tough, feisty, sophisticated, kind, understanding, hard-working, and... the most beautiful woman I've seen in my entire life...

Thor: Loki?

Loki: what 

Thor: are you?

Loki: yes, I mean no, NO, NO



Thor: oh I JUST KNEW IT,

Loki: I'm sorry

Thor: I mean seriously Loki what is wrong with you?!!

Loki: I don't know, I'm sorry 


Loki: I know, but we aren't even related, it's ok!

Thor: no IT IS NOT OK! how could you possibly think that this is ok?

Loki: I, I don't know what to say

Thor: that it, I'm gonna take we're leaving tomorrow and I'm taking her to the avengers

Loki: thor, THOR, please let us have a moment to think about this 

Thor: oh just like how you thought about it when you fell in love with HER?


Thor: no, this is not right we are leaving tomorrow, and I'm gonna talk to father and mother about it.

Loki: Are you really gonna tell them?

Thor: I will tell them something else ill tell them that I believe that she's ready and that the right place for her to gain experience.

He leaves the room and starts packing for tomorrow. Loki is devastated, he doesn't know how he's going to cope with it, he's going to be even more alone with the two of them gone.

Loki: What have I done... (he cries)

The next morning

Thor tells emrys that he's going to take her to earth to a special group of people (the avengers) where she belongs and tells him it's a place for her to find herself and get to know other people. 
now they go to everyone and are about to say goodbye to everyone.

Emrys: bye Sif (hugs her tight) I'm going to miss you

Thor: until we meet again (says to volstagg and Hogun)

Emrys and Thor: bye mother 

Frigga: bye my darlings (hugs her and cries) I'm going to miss you

Thor: bye father (hugs him)

Odin: goodbye my son 

Odin: Emry's darling, can I hug you?

Emrys: ok 

Odin: I'm sorry darling (he hugs her)

Emrys: (tears fill her eyes) goodbye father 

Thor: (he turns and looks at Loki) goodbye brother Take care 

Loki: goodbye thor (they hug each other) 

Emrys: Loki,

Loki: (he hugs her tight and doesn't let go for a few minutes)

Emrys: I'm going to miss you brother, but we'll come and visit 

Loki: ill come and visit you myself if you don't come 

Emrys: (she hugs him and again)

Loki: bye Emrys (kisses her forehead)

And after saying goodbye to everyone they leave.

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