Chapter 10: I'm sorry, but i had to

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When Emrys and Stephen were talking, Emrys found out that there was another to her coming to earth. At first, Stephen asked her to follow him to get the reason but then he told her "never mind, get some rest and we will talk about it tomorrow.' she said ok but she felt suspicious so she followed him to see where he went. He went into thors room and she stood behind the door to hear what they were gonna say.

Stephen: hey you gotta minute

Thor: yeah sure

Stephen: I fucked up

Thor: what do you mean

Stephen: I accidentally told her there was another reason why she came here, but I didn't tell her what it was.

Thor: oh bloody hell...

Stephen: I'm sorry I thought she knew!


Stephen: well what should we do then?

Thor: we'll just have to come up with a good enough reason so she can believe us

Emrys: I would really like to hear that "good enough" reason

Stephen: oh crap

Thor: Emrys what are you doing here? it's late

Emrys: really is it NOW? 

Thor: listen I can explain

Emrys: good because I would like to hear this "good enough" explanation of your

Thor: listen, Loki has feelings for you

Emrys: SO?

Thor: so, he's your brother and he shouldn't, even if he's your stepbrother

Emrys: that a great reason to take me away from home AGAIN!

Thor: (he walks close to her face) would you date him

Emrys: what?

Thor: would you date him if he confessed his feelings for you

Emrys: no of course not

Thor: THEN!?

Emrys: what do you mean, I cannot date my own brother!!

Thor: then you'd leave him heartbroken for the rest of his life and he couldn't find love for the rest of his life, thus he would be depressed, he might look like he's nothing but a mischievous bastard but deep down inside he's very weak and if you rejected him he would never be happy again because you are the first person that he has ever LOVED! 

Emrys: ( to him she leaves the room) 

Thor: (he felt bad) Emrys... wait

Emrys: do you have anything else to say

Thor: no...

Emrys: then why should I wait?

Thor: I wanted to say I'm sorry 

Emrys: don't be, you clearly have nothing to be sorry about She leaves the room wondering if she should be mad at thor or mad at herself. she has trouble sleeping but tries to because she has a lot to do tomorrow.

The next morning 

she walks into the kitchen after her workout to eat something.

Thor: good morning

Emrys: good morning (says it in a way as she forced to)

Stephen (aka dr strange): good morning 

Emrys: good morning

Stephen: good morning thor

Thor: (ignores him)

Stephen: Look, I'm sorry I-

Emrys: don't apologize Stephen the truth had to come out at some point (then she moves to the other side of the kitchen)

Tony suggests that today they should practice some sparring and fight physically without any powers. but let's be real, the real reason why they did this is that they wanted to see who was worthy of leading the next mission.

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