Chapter 38: forgive him before its too late

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Emrys: fine we will go but I will not discuss anything but what you have to say to me and leave when you are done. 

Stephen: thank you, I will pick you up at 7:00 pm?

Emrys: there's no need, ill get there myself

Bucky: yeah buddy, don't push it 

A few hours pass after Verena passed out and she is getting ready to go to her professor to go for surgery. She has no idea what she feels right now, well the truth is she never stopped loving Stephen even though she was mad at him and didn't want to forgive him. 

Stephen: are you going to surgery now?

Verena: yes, my lead is waiting for me 

Stephen: what surgery?

Verena: a craniectomy

Stephen: what? they're giving an MS1 a craniectomy to asses?

Dr. Howard (the lead): yes, when she is the daughter of one of the best surgeons in new york hospital, yes! 

Stephen: HOWARD! (they hug and greet like men) 

Dr. Howard:  you may go and get ready for surgery now Verena 

Verena: yes sir (she leaves) 

Dr. Howard: Stephen, she really is something, I mean the cardiology department is practically begging her to come and choose them as her profession and work with them. 

Stephen: I mean really? is she that good? do you think she'll be able to remove the fraction of the skull properly? it's kinda risky

Dr. Howard: Stephen, she did a tumor removal the first week she stepped into the hospital 

Stephen: well, what can I say, she's my daughter 

Dr. Howard: yes, but there's a difference, she is not cocky (parts him on the back and leaves) 

Verena finishes her surgery, does some more things around the hospital, asks for leave, and goes over to peters apartment to talk to him.

Verena: Hey (kisses him) 

Peter: hello love (he was working out and is not wearing a shirt and is sweaty) how was your day 

Verena: well what can I say, it has been full of drama since I went to the supermarket this morning (goes to the kitchen to prepare the food) 

Peter: I know (cuddles her from the back and kisses her neck) did you talk to Stephen since I left?

Verena: yeah, he came to talk to me before I went to surgery. He looks like he's proud 

Peter: he is (puts his head on her shoulder while cuddling her from the back) I could tell the moment he found out you were a neurosurgeon 

Verena: well, I don't even know how I feel anymore (stops cuddling) I'm gonna go and call dad to check and see if he's alright 

Peter: (looks confused) 

Verena: because Stephen asked to meet my mom tonight and I wanna make sure he's ok (she goes in the balcony 

Verena took care of bucky SO well. She always went and took lunch for him during her lunch break and called him every day to make sure he was alright and didn't need any help. She spent Saturday nights and Sunday mornings at her mom and dad's house (bucky and Emrys's house). She always tried to drop by the Harley Davidson close to her and peters apartment to get bucky some badges to sew on his leather jacket for the 40s he loves.

Verena: hi daddy!

Bucky: Hi doll! what's up?

Verena: I just wanted to call to make sure you're ok

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