Chapter 14: Ugh, who the heck is Sharon?

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after thor and Emrys's fight, steve wanted to go see how Emrys was doing, because clearly, she looked frustrated about that. on the other hand, Stephen (aka dr strange) also wanted to go and check on Emrys for the same reason and so they find each other outside on the way to the hall.

Stephe: hey, where are you headed to

Steve: I was gonna go check on Emrys, you?

Stephen: I am about to do the same thing

Steve: since when did you and Emrys talk?

Stephen: since the day I told her about the lie, you?

Steve: hey no offense, but the last time you went to check on her you caused a massive wave in her relationship with her brother so I don't think you should be checking up on her man

Stephen: since I saved her life and you took the credit for it I rather go see her and I suggest you don't unless you wanna shove your tongue inside her MOUTH


Emrys: hey! what is going on here?

Steve: nothing (he lets go of his shirt) I was just telling strange that I was about to check on you and he was telling me that he was about to LEAVE, right?

Stephen: ye-yeah, ill see you around 

Emrys: ok, sure

Steve: you okay?

Emrys: yeah I'm fine I'm just kinda frustrated at him because he has no sense of responsibility and thinks being a leader is just giving commands! I mean yes of course that's part of the plan but it's about communicating and social skills for christ sake

Steve: of course, but do you remember that day that you promised me we would continue the rest of our business later? (he gets close to her and grabs her waist and smirks)

Emrys: mhhm, no not really could you remind me (smiles)

Steve: yes of course, please follow me

Tony: everybody come to the meeting room NOW! 


Emrys: ugh, c'mon lets go i'm sorry (kisses him) 

Steve: its fine it isn't your fault 

They all go to the room to see what going on.

Tony: we have a dangerous mission ahead of us 

Sam: dracov the owner of the red room has attacked the city to take girls and make them widow's

Nat: oh my god...

Emrys: hey, its ok we're here with you (puts her hands on her shoulders)

Tony: we need to be very careful because he has very powerful forces aside from the widow's. this mission is very risky, dangerous and important so i want emrys and steve to lead and steve your assist will be nat and emrys your assist will be bucky.

Steve: wait emrys is leading?

Emrys: hey steve- (tries to calm him down)


Tony: look we all care about each other but lets put our personal feelings aside here

Steve: stark-

Emrys: steve calm down its fine!

Tony: everyone get ready we don't have much time.

They all get ready to got to battle, they are all quite scared because dracov is one of the most powerful mafia's in Russia and has the most powerful forces aside from all the girls he trains. what he does is brutal and most even die during the training, but nat managed to escape and is still traumatized by what she went through while she was in the red room. dracov was here to take the cures of the widows and destroy them at all costs.

They are in the battle field the moment nat sees the widows and dracov she gets a very painful flashback and isn't able to fight, she imedietly passes out.

Emrys: NAT!

Steve: what happened?

Emrys: she past out, I'm gonna take her back 

Steve: take her to the jet

Emrys: no, its too dangerous incase dracov finds her i cant just leaver her there?!

Steve: its too dangerous emrys! ill take her 

Emrys: steve, (she puts her hand on his face) tony needs you your the lead take my place till i come, i promise ill be fine 

Steve: (he pulls her to him and kisses her) please! be careful

She nods her head and takes picks up nat and takes her back passing through all the widows, she gets wounded on her arm but she manages to take nat back put her with banner in streak tower and comes back helping steve finish the mission alongside the rest.

They finish the mission successfully, They get back to the tower finding sharon waiting for them in the room,

Steve: sharon?

Sharon: hey steve! (she hugs him) how are you!

Steve: im good how are you?

Sharon: im doing good, great actually now that I've seen you

Emrys: (she looks at her in a edgy way)sweet lord of mercy who is that? (wispers to bucky) 

Bucky: that's sharon (he wispers back)

Sharon: well you must be new, i don't know if this is true but you look so much like thor 

Emrys: well yes im his twin sister, emrys goddess of thunder (thunder sparks in her eyes) and you are?

Sharon: im sharon steve's ex girlfriend and an ex field agent of S.H.E.I.L.D under nick fury. Well i'll borrow steve for a while i haven't seen him in a while.

they spend the whole night sitting at the bar of their house drinking and talking and steve totally forgets about the fact that she promised to spend time with emrys tonight and accidentally kisses sharon.

Meanwhile, (before they kiss) emrys is looking at them both secrelty very annoyed and pissed and bucky is sitting next to her wondering what shes doing.

Bucky: hey doll, what are you doing 

Emrys: nothing

Bucky:: that doesn't look like nothing 

Emrys: fine i'm spying on sharon and steve

Bucky: and why would you be doing that? do you like him

Emrys: he told me he had feelings for me and we made out a couple times and he french kissed me today at the mission! 

Bucky: so i guess you guys are dating?

Emrys: (she sees the kiss)

Bucky: shit 

Emrys: not anymore 

Bucky: i'm sorry doll

Emrys: but you know what pisses me off the most the fact that He pushes Stephen to the wall and almost chokes because he just simply wanted to talk to me and check if i was okay and now he's romantically staring at god knows who! and french kissing her. Na-ah this isn't working for me 

Bucky: well there's only one way to do this 

Emrys: to do what?

Bucky: well you gotta make him jealous 

Emrys: good idea (smiles at him) 

they both kiss*

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