Chapter 12: Since the day i met you

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They return to the tower steve carried her to the bedroom to help her heal, he didn't really know what to do but he was trying his best to stop the bleeding.

Steve: we cant go to the hospital because of the scene we just caused because they will call the police and all that, we cant risk this.

Nat: oh my god, this is all my fault

Thor: what? wha, wh, what do you mean this is all my fault?!

Nat: she took the bullet for me, oh my god (she starts crying)

Stephen (dr strange): maybe I can do something

Thor: what makes you think your any use in this situation 

Stephen: I used to be a neurosurgeon  so I think I can remove that bullet 

Steve: ya but like 5 years ago, we gotta do something 

Tony: we cannot go to the hospital!


Wanda: ok calm down we'll figure something out

Stephen: I was a surgeon for over 10 years I still remember everything


Stephen: I care about her JUST AS MUCH AS YOU DO! JUST LET ME DO IT 

After arguing for about 30 minutes straight they decided to let stephen operate on her. he starts with disinfecting her wounds with alcohol and starts removing the bullets with a sanitized knife from her stomach and leg. it takes a while but he end up finishing it just as well.

meanwhile nat is walking around with guilt blaming herself for what happened, steve goes to check on her:

Steve: you ok?

Nat: gosh this is all my fault, if only I had-

Steve: dont say that, dont go back and think what would've happened... it'll destroy you

Nat: she is over there lying on her bed unconscious BECAUSE OF ME!

Steve: Stephen said shes gonna be just fine! he removed the bullet and shes all good 

Nat: really!?

Steve: YES! now calm down and go get some rest

Thor is sitting by the bed holding her hand worried sick, regretting all the bad things he had said to her, he was basically guilty of whatever thing he had done to her that made her even a little upset, repeating "please wake up" "I'm so sorry".

After an hour she wakes up*


Nat: (runs to the room) OH THANK GOD YOUR AWAKE (takes a deep breath) OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY (starts crying again putting her head on her heart)

Emrys: no dont be I wouldn't have taken the bullet for you if I didn't want to, it was my choice dont blame yourself for It (says in a tired voice while patting her back)

Steve: are you ok? i was so worried about you

Emrys: i could be better but I'm fine 

Thor: hey you guys can i have a moment with her please

Nat: sure (they all leave)

Thor: emrys i am so sorry for everything, i mean i shouldn't have blamed you for something that wasn't you fault and-

Emrys: have you been sitting here these past few hours regretting every little thing you did to me? (giggles)

Thor: yeah?!

Emrys: oh my god, you are so cute (kisses his forehead) 

Thor: so are we cool?

Emrys: YES! now help me up i need to go find cap

she goes over to caps room so he can thank him for what he did for her, i mean after all he did carry her all the way here and help stop the bleeding. she believed that she owed him one.

Emrys: knock, knock

Steve: hey what are you doing here (holds her hand and helps her to come in the room)

Emrys: wow so this is the bedroom of captain America huh?

Steve: shouldn't you be laying down and resting? i mean you were shot with two most damaging bullets for crying out loud!

Emrys: i think you sometimes forget that I'm a goddess and not a human (giggles)

Steve: i guess your right (giggles with her)

Emrys: (she goes and sits on the bed next to him) i wanted to thank you for what you did today, i owe you my life

Steve: no not a problem, well your welcome i guess 

Emrys: i promise ill make it up to you (puts her hand on his face and looks into his eyes)

Steve: (he is memorized by her beauty, he is hypnotized into her beautiful blue eyes and is falling in love with her. he puts his hand on her hand and puts it down) there is one way you could make it up to me

Emrys: ok, how?

Steve: like this (he pulls her closer to him and kisses her)

Emrys: (after few good second she pulls back and gives him a smrik) 

Steve: whats wrong (smiles)

Emrys: nothing, i just didn't know that this is where i stand for you

Steve: emrys i really like you, i have liked you since they day you step foot here

Emrys: (she gives him a very nice kiss and pulls back) we shall continue the rest tomorrow 

Steve: Noooo, what are you doing, i cant wait till tomorrow! (he holds her waist as she pulls away and throws himself on the ground) ill be waiting for you (puts her hand in the air)

Emrys: (she giggles and leaves the room) bye bye capsicle 

little did they know, Stephen (dr strange) was eavesdropping on them when he was passing by and.....

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