Chapter 6: falling in love with my own sister

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2 weeks have passed since Emrys was in Asgard and she had been practicing every day to be able to make thunderbolts and to become as powerful as she can be, she had very good diligence. she had been spending a lot of time with thor and they had a lot of fun together, she had been spending so much time with thor that she totally forgot about Loki. I mean they had their little funny arguments but they never actually spent time together; at first, Loki was jealous of Thor and kind of upset about it but he got used to it.

Emrys (her thoughts): you know I haven't talked to Loki in a while, I should spend some time with him, I mean adopted or not he's still my brother and I love him truly. Gosh, Emrys well done. UGHH i totally broke his heart, I am so mad at myself. you know what, today I can skip one day of training to spend some time with Loki. 

so she went off looking for Loki, she had a whole day planned for them on what to do to have fun. she ended up finding him in his room

Emrys: Loki Odinson, God of mischief  (says it in a dramatic way while peeking through the door) 

Loki: (he looked at her in a weird way)

Emrys: whatcha doin

Loki: Well let's see what can I say, bored of being bored because being bored is boring!

Emrys: ok, that's enough cmon let's go (grabs his arm in an attempt to move him from his bed)

Loki: WHERE?

Emrys:  to have fun

Loki: out of the blue in it?

Emrys: well, I realized that I haven't been spending much time with you because I've been busy, and obviously that is no excuse to cover up for what I've done and I just wanted to have one day of spending quality time with my brother!

Loki: I wouldn't like to if it's out of pitty love

Emrys: oh KISS MY ASS move it big boy or should I say the god of mischief 

Loki: ok I'm comi-

Emrys: the last one to get the door is IT!!

Loki: wait, what, UGH WAIT IMMA GET YA

Thor passes by them and sees them running 

Thor: I thought that was our thing?

They ran outside and Emrys got to the door first

Loki: well what do we do now that I'm "it"?

Emrys: oh nothing it's just a thing I have with thor


Emrys: well, what are you waiting for come on!

Loki: where are we going?

Emrys: you'll see!

They went to the market and laughed a lot while trying on different things and just messing up everything, you know up to mischief. then after going to the market they went around rid their horses around Asgard and laid on The grass while having their little arguments.

They throw themselves on the grass 

Emrys and Loki together: AHHHHH 

Emrys: well that was fun wasn't it?

Loki: no not at all you made me wear a purple scarf I mean really?!

Emrys: oh come on it was better than the orange one, trust me orange is not your color

(They both laugh together)

Loki: but no I'm joking it was actually really fun

Emrys: see I told you, I never disappoint 

Loki: no you are truly a disappointment love 

Emrys: what makes you think you're any better?

(They both laugh together)

Loki: I had a lot of fun today 

Emrys: (she looks at him)

Loki: Thanks for that

Emrys: No problem 

Loki: we should do this more often 

Emrys: I know, but next time we should do it all together, like with thor.

Loki: (he gets very grumpy but pretends to agree with her) yeah,....yeah sure.

They return to the castle and go back to their bedrooms, to get some rest. Thor stopped Loki and Emrys on their way to their rooms so he could just ask them about their day and ask them what they did. after they all went to their rooms, thor and Emrys fell asleep immediately while Loki couldn't even close his eyes. he kept thinking of her and how much fun he had that day and, and... I guess how he feels about her.

Loki (his thoughts): I had so much fun today, I mean I haven't laughed like that for as long as I can remember. She is, one of the best friends, and or siblings that I have ever had. you can tell that she truly cares about me, oh god, oh god, oh no oh no oh no no NO!
(He got up and goes by the window while putting his hands on his head) C'mon Loki you can't be that lonely to develop feelings for your own step-sister! oh for PETE's SAKE SHE WAS ONLY NICE TO YOU GOSH! (he throws himself on the bed again) ahhh (out of relief) I mean could you blame me, people like her are rare! strong, beautiful, kind, funny, sarcastic, and though I mean she really is a god. She is just perfect... 

I'm Emrys Odinson Goddess of thunderWhere stories live. Discover now