moments like these

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Taylor pov

Today, me and y/n were going on a sweet date for our anniversary. But she doesn't know that I'm taking her to the same place I proposed in 3 years ago. She told me how much she loved that spot, and I loved it too. It was the most romantic place I've ever gone too, it was so quiet and private, and the view was beautiful. So for our anniversary im taking her to have a a second picnic there, as my wife this time.

"Wait, lovely, is this the spot where you proposed?", she asked. "Mhm, but this time you're my wife", I said as we walked to through the field. We sat down on the picnic blanket, and looked around us. The sun was setting and everything seemed still. I decided to come here a little later so that when we were done eating, we could stargaze.

"This place is really beautiful, but not as beautiful as the person I'm with right now", she said and smiled. I pulled her knees to move her body closer to mine, she then straddles my lap. We start kissing and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I then laid both our bodies down, so she's underneath me. I then kiss down her jawline and neck. "Wait, wait ,wait Taylor look", she said. I sit up as she points to something.

It was rabbit only like 4 feet away from us. "Aww it's so cute tay", she gushes. "Here lemme take a pic", she said mad took out her phone. She opens up insat and take a couple pictures of the rabbits. And the field around us, then posted it. "Okay, back to what we were doing", she giggled and pulled me in by the neck. We made out for a good 10 minutes, until we noticed the sky was dark and stars were very visible.

"Oh y/n look!", I pointed at the dark sky. We laid down next to each other, holding hands. "Appearently we're supposed to see shooting stars tonight, so keep looking, im sure we'll see at least one.", I told her. We just laid down and enjoyed this moment with each other. It wasn't always this quiet and at-peace, so when we had these moments I cherished them deeply. We didn't need long to see a bright and slow shooting star paint across the night sky.

"Did you see that?!", she said excitedly. "Yeah, I've never seen a shooting star in person before", I said. "Me neither", she told me. She ended up falling asleep on my chest. I kissed her forehead and just waited a little longer till I was going to wake her and go home. It was moments like these where It felt like the world was no longer spinning, and we are the only ones on it.

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