Dear my love, I fucking hate you pt.2

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[Inspired by Afterglow and some of exile, also Taylor's expression just goes so well with this one]

Y/n pov

Unfortunately, Just because I cut ties with her and certainly don't talk with her anymore doesn't I'm not at school with her anymore; Because I definitely still am. I strongly wish we weren't though, I felt like I was being stabbed with killer glares when I walked by her group of Jock boys and Volleyball girls, and I lost all the mutual friends I made through taylor. but it wasn't even the looks or loss of friends that made me want to drop out of high school all together. It was the fact that people don't talk, unless there's something to talk about. More specifically, Taylor decided to leak my nudes to the whole school just days after I broke up with her, maybe to prove she was still on top despite being a cheater or maybe to prove she was an even bigger dick. My reputation is completely demolished and sabotaged on the acount of her hissy fit after being told the girl she cheated on didn't want her anymore.

"Hey! Nice tits! You think you could gimme a boob job sometime?", Some guy said to me while I was getting my things from my locker, "yeah, I'm thinkin three sum", his friend joined in, making me mentally gag. I flipped them off before finally getting sick of the harassment and hollers, to the point where I was going to confront taylor. She usually hung out with her group in the large gymnasium because the gym teacher granted them permission probably because they all played sports. I didn't even bother to ask for permission but instead walked right away down the semi-full hallways down to the gym.

When I got there I opened the door and saw the six of them; Hunter, Derek, Taylor, Summer, Isla, Miles, Playing with basketball's or sitting on the bleachers eating. All six of them were tall except for Isla, she's only 5'5, but the rest enjoyed basically every sport because of their height advantages. It was rather sad seeing her friends in person again, it reminded me of how close we were before all this mess.

But then they saw me, including taylor, each had conniving grins on their faces. Taylor just side glanced me for a second before making an impressively distanced shot to the hoop and making it, high fiving her friends once she did. I just scoffed and walked towards them a bit, "yes?", she asked in a flippant tone, "I need to talk to you, bitch", I angrily told her. "Nothing you can't say in front of them, go ahead princess", she stood up and told me, waiting for my response. "Take those pics down",I told her sternly, "oh you mean these?", she pulled out her phone and showed me the explicit pictures, I quickly shoved her phone away, "No shit Sherlock", I said with frustration, "Mmm...No", she giggled and Summer did too, then sat back down next to her, knowing she'd drive me insane. "I wasn't fucking asking, take. them. down", I repeated.

"Or what?", she squinted at me with a smile and not a hint of seriousness in her voice, "or I'll tell the police. after all, leaking someone's nudes is Illegal", I told her, "Okay, why don't you go do that then, yeah? Just, somewhere else", she told me and waved me away, about to turn around along side her friends. Suddenly, all my anger built itself up in my head and I surprisingly placed a hard slap on her cheek, leaving her a bit shocked. Her friends softly chattered in the background whilst taylor was restraining herself from hitting me back. "You know what...just...just go", she stuttered and held her cheek before turning her back to me. I couldn't help but cry once the adrenaline had left, I didn't do anything to deserve this, all I did was treat her good and she could never gather herself to do the same,

You ruined my past just please don't ruin my future. I thought

"First you cheat on me? And now this? Taylor what do you want from me?! You're destroying my life...", I said, trying my best to sound tough yet the tears treaming down my cheeks created a lump in my throat making themselves sound very prominent. She was about to shoot but then she heard my tears, stopping in her tracks, she ran over to the bleachers to grab her phone. Then, she ran over to me, grabbing me by the wrist and dragging me to the nearest locker room which was right outside the doors. She shoved me inside the dark empty room and shut the door behind her, "what are you gonna murder me now?", I asked, "Ugh just shhh", she shushed me.

She was on her phone swiping and typing away, until she landed on something, "There, deleted, happy?", she asked and showed me the deleted post. "I just wanna know why you did it? I didn't do anythi- I know!", Taylor gasped. "I know, and that's the thing. I was afraid you were too perfect, I was afraid to mess shit up, I was afraid you'd drop me for someone better, and what did I do? I broke my own heart just so that you couldn't", she told me, also on the brink of tears. "So....I was good enough for you?", I asked, "yes! Way more than enough", she said, trying to hold back from crying but being unsuccessful. "Look, I'm sorry that I hurt you. Just please don't go", she begged with an uneasy voice, a sheet of glass was placed over her eyes once she spoke, but whenever our eyes met it broke. She bursted into tears unexpectedly, so I hugged her.

"Wait no...y-you leaked my nudes and cheated on me, You manipulative dick!", I said and stood up, she just wipes her tears and stood up with me. "I know, but I-I love you so I'll fix it, I'll tell them the pics were edited and as for the cheating... I'm sorry, I'm so so so sorry, You don't have to take me back now or ever, but I don't want you to just leave my life", she said. I had to think about it but I made a decision, "Fine but We need to just go very slowly with things, And I love you too", I told her and we hugged.

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