73 questions with vogue

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Y/n pov

Today I was being interviewed by vogue; 73 questions. They were coming by the house, obviously we've rehearsed all questions and answers.
[I know this wasn't 73 questions lol]

I heard a doorbell ring and opened the door. "Hey!" , I said cheerfully. "Hey!", he said back. "Come in, cmon", I welcomed him in. "Thanks for fitting this into your day", he said. "No problem", I said. "Great, let's get started". "So, what have you been doing lately?", he asked. "Learning guitar, not easy, but I'm trying", I said he laughed. "Whats a show you've been watching recently?". "Oh, I think atypical on Netflix or just social experiment documentaries, weirdly", I said. We start to walk to the living room, "is there a place where you like write music or think of lyrics?", "yeah. Either in my, well we call it the music room. Or at a forest trail I go down a lot", "nice. I heard your multilingual, how many do you speak?", "4.....and a half; I'm learning French", "wow that's a alot. What are the rest?", "in the order I learned them: Greek, Spanish, English, and Arabic". "Did you ever live in greece?", "yes. I live in between Argentina and Greece Until I was 22, actually next month will be my 7th year in the states", I said proudly.

We moved to the kitchen. "Whats your favorite snack or dish?", "Moussaka. Its a Greek dish and my mom makes it for me when I visit", "sounds fun, maybe I'll try it. Whats your favorite plant?", "a plant? Oh I don't know. Maybe a aloe vera because they're just cool plants to have". "Cats or dogs?", "Cats. But out of every pet ever, I'd say reptiles", "cool, i love lizards. If you could meet one person from the past who would it be?", "Ooh probably Marie Currie or Medger Evers, such a smart people". "What do you think should be accessible to everyone?", "well of course the basic necessities. But other than that, Education".

"Wanna check out the outside?", "For sure!", he says. We walk outside and sit down. "So, you say you're a romantic type, whats your dream wedding?", "glad you asked, me and taylor just got married, that was definitely my dream wedding", "i know! Can we see the ring?", he asked. I showed him my ring finger and he gushed, "its so beautiful. What are some hobbies you have?", "Star gazing, if that's even a hobby". "And what would you say is your lucky number?", "seven. Because like somehow everything good always happens on the 7th day of the week, the 7th day of the month, like I trust that number with my life", he laughed and looks around at my yard. "I see you have a garden over there, its so pretty. Do you enjoy gardening?", "yeah. We like to keep pretty flowers in there".

We walked back inside the house. "What was your favorite award?", "oh, I appreciate all my awards, but I'd say my first grammy because that was BIG for me". "Saddly, this interviews coming to an end y/n.", he said, "here, I'll show you out" we started walking towards the front door. "And last question. Whats the best price of advice for anyone aspiring to be a singer?", "don't change your style. Its not gonna end well if you sing or write a certain why that doesn't speak to you". "Okay well that was was 73 questions with vogue. Bye!", he said. "Bye!", I said and shut the door as he walked own the steps. I smiled and walked upstairs, where taylor was the entire time.

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