I love you

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John's POV

Today was going to be the day. I was going to tell Sherlock that I care about him. By that I mean I was going to tell Sherlock Holmes, the emotionless detective, that I have feelings for him. It was going to be either a failure or the best thing I've done in my life.

He might push me away forever and ignore me. He might make me move out and never talk to me again. He might delete me from his mind palace and never know he met me.


He might accept me and love me back. We might date and go to dinner together. I might clean up his messes without whining and he might play songs for me on his voilin. He might love me back.

The door opened and I ran to whoever was at the door. I thought it would be Sherlock, but instead it was his overly protective brother. He looked sad. Mycroft Holmes looked sad. The words he said ripped my world apart.

"There has been a car crash. There are no survivers."

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