Even More Headcanons

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Sherlock often visits his Mind Palace whilst in the bath, only sometimes he becomes so immersed in his own little world that the water overflows/ John had to break the door down on no less than three occasions.


After the Return, John acquired  a habit of periodically, subconsciously checking Sherlock's pulse.


Sherlock didn't speak a word until he was 6 years old. Everyone assumed he was a late developer, until he suddenly began to speak eloquently out of the blue. It seems he'd actually learnt to talk as a toddler, but hadn't thought it important enough to show anyone.


During a therapy session after Sherlock's death, Ella had asked John a variation of the question "If you were dying, in your last few seconds, what would you say?" He lied because the first answer that came into mind was "Finally."


The real reason Sherlock deleted the solar system was because when he was a child Mycroft explained the concept of black holes to him, Sherlock had a nightmare of being sucked into that empty darkness. He wasn't afraid of dying, he was afraid of being forgotten and erased.


Lestrade consults Sherlock not just because he needs his help but because if Sherlock goes too long with a lapse in cases he goes back to his drug use. Lestrade has learned this the hard way.


Some of Sherlock's rudeness toward Molly is just his personality, some of it is an experiment to see how far he has to push her to get her to stand up for herself.


At school Sherlock was bullied and called names because of his intelligence and his tendency to make deductions without thinking about it, this lead him to attempt suicide. He once old John about it which is why John hates it when Sherlock is insulted because he knows what happened before and doesn't wan Sherlock to try again.


John punched Mycroft after Sherlock's funeral.


When Sherlock came back from the dead, he spent nearly a whole day walking the flat and deducing everything that john had done there before moving out. It was an amusing game. The violin case was untouched and dusty, which he appreciated, because hell would freeze before anyone would break it. The teapot was used repeatedly. Characteristic it wasn't until he got to John's desk drawer where he kept his gun, and the wear that showed how many times John had opened it, that he stopped playing.


There's a reason why Sherlock prefers texts over calls. When he was at Uni he got a call from one of his only friends. The friend was drunk and suicidal. No matter how much Sherlock begged the friend wouldn't listen. He killed himself and Sherlock heard the gunshot on the other end of the line.


John was on his way to kill himself on the day he met Mike Stamford.

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