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In the first few weeks John couldn't pay the rent. Sherlock slipped in money into his wallet or used the donation button on John's blog to make sure he stayed.


In uni, Sherlock had a friend he corresponded with online. This friend was the only person aside from Mycroft who understood how tiring the racing in his mind was, and how the deductions and perfect memory weren't always a "gift". They spoke every day for three, then the friend vanished- his name was James Moriarty, but Sherlock only ever knew him under his screen name.


Sherlock and Mycroft both have eating disorders, anorexia and binge eating disorder respectively. Mycroft, unlike Sherlock, actually wants to recover which is why he makes effort to work out. Sherlock just gives into food enough to stay alive and alert.


Sherlock was eight when Redbeard died, and tried to jump out of his bedroom window when he found out, so Mycroft cuddled him and let him sleep in his bed for a week after, because Sherlock always cuddled the dog when he was sleeping.


9 month old Sherlock's first word was actually two words, because this is Sherlock. He said "Mycie up!" as he's holding up his arms commandingly to Mycroft. 8 year old Mycroft sighed and carried Sherlock around the house for the rest of the day.


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