The Fights

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Sherlock's POV

It was one of those days again. Mom and dad were fighting. We just moved into a townhouse and Mycroft was at school. I was sitting in my room. I knew better then to bother them during a fight. Will they ever stop fighting?

I grabbed my toy bee and hugged it. "Why do they fight so much?" I asked my toy bee. "Is this normal for a family? Do parents always fight?" 

I heard something break downstairs and more yelling. I started to cry quietly.

"I need to get out of here." I said and went downstairs with Mr. Bee. I tip toed past the living room where mom and dad were fighting. Then I ran out the door and outside.

Where do I go? I just moved here. I thought. I decided to go to the house next to us and knock on the door. A lady opened. "Hello. Who are you?" she asked.

"My name is Sherlock Holmes. Can I stay at your house for a while? My parents are fighting." I said hugging Mr. Bee.

She looked down at me. "Of course you can." she said and led me inside.

"Do you have any other family members beside your parents?" the lady asked. 

I nodded. "I have an older brother named Mycroft, but he's mean and fat. And he's at school." I said, thinking about Mycroft. Even his annoying company was better then mom and dad fighting. 

The lady looked at me. He's not normal is he? "You can come here anytime your parents fight. I have an extra room in case you have to stay over night." she said.

I nodded. That isn't a bad idea. She grabbed the newspaper and started reading. On the front it said "Four killed, no trace of the murderer" 

"The man's wife did it." I said. The lady looked at me. 

"What dear?" she asked. I pointed to the newspaper.

"The man's wife killed the four people. He was cheating on her with those four women so she killed them." I said. 

The lady looked a bit confused and surprised. "What do you like to do on your free time dear?" she asked.

 "I solve murders but the police never listen to me. I like to play my violin too." I said looking at Mr. Bee. 

"How?" the lady asked.

"My brother says it's because I'm a Holmes, but I don't know what that means. And the kids at school call me names." I said as I remembered the names they called me. Freak. Machine. Asshole. Holmes.

Why did they use my last name as an insult? I thought sadly. "That just means you're one in a million. There is no one else on earth that is like you. You are a genius." the lady said, smiling.

I smiled back. "What's your name?" I asked.

"You can just call me Mrs. Hudson." the lady said.


I really want this is be the way they met, but Mrs. Hudson pretends that she's never known him before she gave him a flat. I REALLY WANT THIS IS HAPPEN!!!!!

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