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Sherlock and John watched the news from America.

"About time they caught up." John said, looking down at their hands with the matching rings.


Standing on the edge of the roof, he couldn't prevent the solitary tear from escaping. Stepping forward, he smiled.

"See you soon, Sherlock."


Sherlock shouted at the tv, "Of course he's not the father! It's obvious!"

John looked over.

"How far behind ARE you on Game of Thrones?!?"


Mycroft gazed down into the resting place. Sherlock and John were dead. It was so sudden.

Sadly, he flushed the two goldfish corpses away.


John's daughter woke him.

"It's my birthday!"

He smiled.

"And how old are you?" John asked.

She held up 4 fingers.

He never found out whose they were.


Mary raised the gun and shot Sherlock in the chest.

He'd never share Game of Thrones spoilers with her again.


Sherlock lay in a pool of blood. John stepped over him and turned the tv on.

"Nice try. Happy April Fools." John said.

Moriarty silently crept out.


Opening the box revealed a human heart. Sherlock read the card:

"Happy Valentine's Day from me & John.

Well, it's mostly John.



As he stepped over the edge of the roof, Sherlock thought only of his flatmate. Inside, John was thoroughly enjoying his wedding reception.

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