Dear Brother Mine

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(Dear brother mine)

you're not born yet, but mummy

says you'll be coming soon;

I'm excited because this means

I won't be lonely anymore-

perhaps we could play pirates?

(Dear brother mine)

you're only ten, but you always

ask so many questions;

I'm bothered by them since

I don't always know the answer-

perhaps I could study the world for you?

(Dear brother mine)

You're angry with me, but I

have to go to university;

I promised you I'd study the world

And I intend to see it through-

perhaps I could write letters for you?

(Dear brother mine)

You're only twenty four, but you're

taking on the world too fast;

the drugs are destroying you

and I find myself heartbroken-

perhaps caring is not an advantage?

(Dear brother mine)

You're thirty two, but you're

solving cases and getting better;

I'm worried about you always

wondering about how you are-

perhaps I've held on too tight?

(Dear brother mine)

You died today but you're

out there in the world and all alone;

I couldn't protect you even

though I promised-

(Dear brother mine)

I'm sorry.

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