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When Sherlock was 14, he spent two entire days in a library reading books on psychology in an attempt to figure out what was wrong with him.


Sherlock takes his violin to his parents' house at Christmas. He is halfway through playing a song when Mycroft enters the music room and joins on the piano. They finish together then Mycroft leaves without looking at Sherlock. Neither brother mentions it afterwards but both are secretly please.


Sherlock once had a case which involved a body being stuck to the bottom of a bridge with industrial strength adhesives. Sherlock wanted to test how long it would take for the man to fall, so he glued himself to the ceiling to test a theory. It took 5 hours, 10 bottles of nail polish, and 6 EMTs to get Sherlock down, and about 3 hours for John and Lestrade to stop laughing.


Mycroft plays with traffic lights when he's stressed. Sometimes he does it to annoy Sherlock.


Sherlock one crashed the Royal Wedding. Mycroft was present and had to arrest him.


Anthea has seen Mycroft naked. Nothing scares her more.


It's very rare that Anderson puts on a sweater without getting his head stuck in the armhole.

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