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I got off the plane and saw Derek waiting with Zola. I put on my fake happy face and smiled as Zola ran over to me.
"Auntie Amy!" She giggled.
"Hi sweetheart," I smiled and hugged her. I picked her up and started walking with Derek.
"How was the flight?" He asked me.
"It was fine," I said.
"How are you?" He asked. I gave him a look and he shut up. We got to the car and he put Zola in her car seat and started driving back to his house. He pulled up to his street and there were awfully many cars on his street for a Thursday.
"You throwing a party or something?" I asked.
"Actually a lot of people from work are over for a dinner party," he said.
"Derek," I complained, "I wanted to eat my sorrows away alone in my bedroom."
"Oh come on, you don't want to meet the people you're going to be working with?" Derek asked as he parked the car.
"I wanted to eat ice cream," I said.
"Ice cream?" Zola giggled.
"Maybe later, you haven't even eaten dinner yet," Derek chuckled.

"You need to do me a favor," Meredith said to me.
"Okay," I said.
"You need to help me cheer Derek's sister up when she gets here," Meredith said.
"Why what's wrong with his sister?" I asked.
"She's moving here because she just got a divorce," Meredith said.
"Okay," I said.
"Just introduce yourself or something so she doesn't feel alone. She also doesn't exactly like me," Meredith chuckled.
"Why doesn't she like you?" I chuckled.
"We are too similar and clash a lot," Meredith chuckled, "I love her but she's a lot to handle."
"So you want me to handle her instead of you?" I clarified.
"Kinda? I mean she won't leave Derek's side those two are like practically joined at the hip," she chuckled. I heard the front door open and it was Derek and his sister. His sister put Zola down and she ran over to her siblings.
"Hey," Derek said as he came into the kitchen, "this is my sister Amelia."
"Hi I'm Owen," I introduced myself.
"Amelia," she said softly.
"Hi how are you I'm April," April warmly introduced herself.
"I'm Amelia," Amelia said again as she followed Derek into the kitchen. I watched his sister walk outside alone while Derek got pulled into conversation with Arizona and April. Amelia looked mad at Derek, and I didn't want to interfere, but I did feel bad that she was alone. She probably felt overwhelmed with so many people here or something. I opened the back door and she looked up from her plate of food and met my eyes with hers. She had gorgeous eyes, but I could tell she was hurting. It was silent for a second while I looked at her.
"Did you want to sit?" She broke the ice.
"Oh Uh I just wanted to check on you," I said.
"Why?" She chuckled, "I don't even know you."
"Well everyone is in there and you're out here," I shrugged. She shrugged as she picked at her food, but really eating it, but pushing it around the plate.
"So are you moving here?" I asked as I sat down in the chair across from her. She looked up at me again and nodded.
"Yeah," she said, "I start work soon."
"At the hospital?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said.
"Well everyone inside works there," I said, "why don't you meet some of them."
"Not in the mood," she said. She put her plate down and looked at me.
"You can go inside," she chuckled, "I'm sure you'd rather hangout in there than sit with me."
"You look upset," I said.
"It's a long story," she said and pushed hair behind her ear. Her phone rang and I watched her look at it. I watched as her eyes welled up with tears.
"You okay?" I asked.
"I have to take this if you don't mind," Amelia said and got up and walked to the end of the deck.

I hit accept and looked at the backyard.
"Amelia?" Ryan's voice said.
"Hey," I said softly, fighting not to cry. I still loved him despite the divorce. I don't know why he called, we agreed to separate.
"I miss you," he said. I couldn't ignore the sound of the high in his voice.
"Are you fucking high?" I asked.
"Amelia I'm sorry," he said, "I'm sorry I fucked up."
"You keep getting high Ryan. You keep using. I can't do this. For my own sobriety I can't," I said as I started crying.
"I never meant to lose you," he said.
"I never meant to leave," I said, "I never wanted to."
"Come back," he said.
"Ryan I can't," I cried, "please understand that."

I heard the back door open and I looked over my shoulder and I saw Amelia. She wiped her eyes on her sleeve and walked down the hallway. It was obvious she was crying but she had her back faced to me and didn't see me.
"Owen you good?" Arizona asked me as she looked over her shoulder but Amelia was already gone.
"Yeah I'm fine," I said, "I just need to go find Derek."
"He's probably in the kitchen," Arizona shrugged. I walked into the kitchen and Derek was talking to Meredith.
"You might want to check on your sister," I said.
"Is she upset?" Meredith asked.
"Looked like it," I shrugged.
"Okay," Derek said, "I'll go check on her."

"Amelia," Derek said.
"Go away please," I complained and rolled over in the bed.
"Are you okay in there?" Derek asked.
"I'm fine go away," I said.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you too but go away," I said. I heard him walk away and I returned to my phone. I looked at the picture of Ryan and I that I had pulled up. I missed him.

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