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"Incoming!" An intern yelled from the pit. I saw a man on a gurney being pushed into the ER.
"We lost him in the ambulance," the EMT on the scene said as he was rolling the man in. I looked down at the individual and stopped. Ryan. Amelias Ryan. Oh my god.
"What was the cause of death?" I asked, knowing it was drugs but I had to be sure for records.
"Drug overdose. Had heroin, marijuana, and oxy in his system. He passed out in the ambulance and stopped breathing. CPR failed and I think his airways closed from the drug overdose," he informed me.
"Oh god," I said, "that's terrible."
"Yeah," he said, "is there anyway we can get a form of ID? Call this guys family?"
"I know him, I'll take care of it," I said. The EMT nodded and pushed Ryan into the next room to wait for the morgue to pick him up. Oh my god I can't believe this. This is going to kill Amelia. Oh my god someone has to tell Amelia.
"Addison!" I said as I saw her.
"Yeah?" She said.
"Addison," I said as I started crying, "Addison, Ryan is dead. He was just wheeled into the ER from an overdose."
"Oh my god," Addison said, "oh gosh that's horrible."
"Who's calling Amelia?" I said softly. She looked at me and frowned.
"It'll break her," Addison said.
"She has to know, right?" I said.
"She does," Addison said.
"If you call her brother I'll call her?" I said. Addison nodded and I grabbed my phone. I dialed Amelias number and closed the door behind me as I sat down.
"Charlotte!" Amelias chipper voice rang through the phone, "what's up?" I couldn't do this.

I was walking through the halls of Seattle Grace. It was my third week here. It was starting to get better. Everyone here was nice, and I should have given them a chance when I got here instead of brushing everyone off and being alone. My phone started vibrating and I looked at it and it was Charlotte calling.
"Charlotte!" I smiled, "what's up?"
"Amelia," she cleared her throat, "where are you?"
"I'm at work? Where are you?" I said confused.
"Can you please find a quiet place to sit down for a second?" She asked.
"Why? Char you're scaring me," I said.
"Do it please," she said.
"Okay," I said. I walked down to my office and closed the door and sat down.
"Are you alone?" She asked.
"Yeah," I said, "Charlotte are you in trouble are you okay?"
"Ryan Kerrigan came into the ER this morning dead from a drug overdose of heroin, marijuana, and oxy. We looked into his records and you were still his emergency contact. I'm calling you to inform you of his passing," Charlotte said.
"No," I said as my eyes filled with tears, "no Charlotte no! Please!"
"Amelia I'm so very sorry," she said.
"Charlotte," I cried, "it can't be true."
"I'm sorry. The EMTs did everything they could. He was far too gone when he got here," she said.
"He's dead?" I cried.
"He is. I'm sorry Amelia," she said, "if you want to fly down here I will pick you up from the airport and you can stay with me for as long as you want."
"He's gone," I said, "this is all my fault."
"Amelia no. Amelia don't do that," Charlotte said, "you know this isn't your fault."
"I left. I left when he was hurting and now he's dead," I cried, "I left the love of my life to die."
"Amelia you know that's not what happened," Charlotte said.
"He's gone," I bawled.
"I'm so sorry," Charlotte said.
"Can I fly down tonight?" I asked in between sobs.
"Yes. Send me your flight times and I can pick you up," Charlotte said, "are you okay to fly?"
"I'll be fine," I cried, "I'll be there in a few hours."
"Okay," Charlotte said, "fly safely. And again, I'm so sorry for your loss Amelia."

I was scrubbing out of a surgery when my phone rang. It was Addison. That was weird. Despite her and Amelia being best friends I never talked to her. I reluctantly picked up.
"Hello?" I said.
"Derek something horrible has happened. Ryan's dead," she cried.
"Ryan? Amelias ryan?" I said.
"He overdosed in an ambulance this morning on the way to the hospital," she said.
"Oh god," I said, "oh my god that's horrible. Is someone telling Amelia?" I started running down the hallway to her office.
"Charlotte called her," Addison said.
"I need to go find her. Thank you for calling me," I said. I bolted to her office and opened the door without knocking. She looked up from her lap and her eyes were bloodshot from sobbing. She knew.
"Did Addison call you?" She asked in a small voice.
"Amelia I am so sorry," I said and wrapped her in a hug. She sobbed into me as I held her close to me.
"I left him and he's gone," she sobbed, "I should have tried harder."
"Amelia you tried your best," I said, "shhh it's not your fault." She started sobbing and I rubbed her back.
"None of this was your fault," I said.
"I loved him so much," she cried.
"I know you did. And I also know you know how much he loved you. And your son," I said.
"I'm flying down there tonight," she said, "I bought a ticket."
"Who are you staying with? Charlotte? Addison?" I asked.
"Charlotte," she said.
"Okay," I said, "I want you to be safe okay?"
"I know," she said.
"I'll drive you to the airport," I said, "I'll help you pack."
"Don't tell anyone why I'm leaving," she said.
"You know Owen's going to ask," I said.
"Make something up," she said, "please."
"Okay," I said and kissed her head, "I won't tell anyone."
"Thank you," she said.
"How many days are you staying?" I asked.
"I'm not sure," she said, "I just need to go back down there."
"Understandable," I said.

I had to fight back my tears the entire flight. I was so numb. The man I loved most in this world was gone. He was gone in an instant. He lost his life to the very battle I fight everyday. I got off the plane and saw Charlotte in the terminal. I could feel my eyes well up with tears as I saw her. I ran to her and she wrapped my in a hug.
"I got you it's okay," she whispered in my ear.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," she said.

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