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30 years later....

Everyone was grown up. Lilian was now 34, and her younger brother Mark was 30. Amelia developed a brain tumor several years ago, and Derek had taken it out, but it came back more aggressively. It was caught very late, and by that time Derek and Amelia were both retired. The tumor grew rapidly and started affecting Amelia greatly. Owen took her to every doctor possible but nobody could find a solution. Derek even tried to find methods but the tumor was just too large. Amelia's quality of life quickly deteriorated, and it affected everyone around her. Owen was heartbroken that his wife had to go through so much pain, her children - Lilian and Mark - hated seeing their mother in so much pain, and never expected something like this to happen.

Owen was sitting next to Amelia's hospital bed. He squeezed her hand and kissed her forehead. He knew how much pain she was in, and after all these years she didn't want painkillers because of her early addiction. She was fighting so hard to stay alive, but Owen knew she needed peace.
"Amelia," Owen said softly, "I love you."
"I love you too," Amelia said weakly.
"It's okay if you want to go," Owen cried, "I know you're fighting, and you've fought long enough. The kids and I will understand."
"I don't," Amelia said, taking a moment to breathe, "want to leave."
"Okay," Owen said crying. He kissed his wife as he watched her fight to keep breathing. The kids visited every day after their jobs to see their mother, but she never got better. Amelia laid there looking at her husband, and slowly closed her eyes.

Amelia opened her eyes and she was on a beach. She looked down at herself and she was in a white dress and she was walking on sand. She looked up and there he was. Ryan. Ryan was standing in front of her. She ran to him, but something stopped her.
"Why can't I get to you?" Amelia asked.
"Because," Ryan said.
"Because why?" Amelia asked confused, "I want to hug you."
"You aren't in heaven yet. You can still fight," Ryan said.
"Daddy?" Amelia heard. She turned to see a little boy and she instantly felt tears form.
"Yes buddy?" Ryan asked.
"Oh my god," Amelia cried.
"Is that mommy?" Christopher asked.
"Hi Christopher, oh my gosh you're so big," Amelia smiled. She desperately wanted to hug him tightly. She looked around and saw another figure in the distance. As he got closer she realized it was her father.
"Dad?" Amelia said. She felt so overwhelmed with all of the people she was seeing. The people she had missed so greatly in her life.
"Amelia," her father smiled, "you're here."
"I want to hug you all," Amelia sighed.
"That's a choice for you to make," Ryan said.
"I can't leave Owen," Amelia said, "and Lilian and Mark. I can't leave them alone."
"You have a good husband down there. You're struggling, he'll understand if you want to go," her father explained.
"Owen," Amelia cried, "do you think he'll be okay?"
"You had a long marriage. More than most. He loves you more than anything, and he's a good man, you'll see him again," Her father said. Amelia looked over at Ryan and her son and smiled. Maybe it would be okay here. Maybe she would be okay. Maybe Owen would be okay.
"Amelia," Amelia heard. It was Owen's voice. She looked around but didn't see her anywhere on the beach.
"Amelia it's okay. You can go, I said I'd love you until the end, and I will wait to see you again if you want to go. I'll be okay. The kids will be okay. I'll miss you more than anything in the world, but I know you need peace. I know you're probably with Ryan and your dad and son. And it's okay. I love you, and I know you fought," Owen said. Amelia started sobbing as she looked out over the ocean.
"I love you too Owen," she said, "tell the kids how much I love them for me." She turned around and ran and wrapped her son Christopher tightly in her arms for the first time.
"Mommy loves you so much," Amelia said as she embraced her son.

And that was the end. Owen would rejoice with Amelia soon in heaven, and he would finally meet the people who were so special to Amelia in her life.

But most importantly, he saved her life, and he always gave her a reason to stay sober.

He was the love of her life.

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