Edward Cullen

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"AHHHHHH." I jump out of bed as I hear an ear piercing scream. "Bella shut it, it's to damn early for your shit." I yell as I leave my room.

"Why doesn't he notice me?!" Bella yells to herself as I enter the kitchen where she is sitting.

Yup you guessed it I'm Bella swans sister, poor me I know. I'm (Y/N) (L/n) you might be wondering why I dont have the same last name but you'll find out.

"What's your issue?" I ask as I sit down on a stool across from her. "Edward Cullens my issue." She says as she throws her head onto the table.

She is obsessed with him. I mean yeah he's cute, sweet, mysterious, and hot an....ah stop it (y/n) get your shit together, you will not fangirl over someone you've never talked to.

"Y/N, HELLO?!" Bella breaks me out of my thoughts but yelling and snapping her fingers in my face. "S...sorry. what were you saying?" I ask looking at her.

"Ugh I was saying. I don't know why he doesn't notice me, I mean I dress in revealing clothes I try to talk to him and he just walks away." She says crossing her arms out of anger.

"Ummm...-" "whatever it doesn't matter anyways." She says cutting me off.

"GIRLS YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE!" Dad yells from outside. We both jump up and get into bella's truck.

"Ok we are here." She says as she pulls over a couple blocks away from the school. "Oh ok." I say getting out anyways. "You know I'd drive you the whole way but I cant have people knowing I'm related to you." She says rudely then drives away. She hates me that's why I dont have the same last name because she doesn't want to be associated with me in anyway, so I changed it for her 13th birthday. (A/n:Weird but ok😂😂)

I sigh as start to walk. 'She could have dropped me off a little closer.' I think to myself. After a little bit of walking a nice black Corvette pulls up by me. I look over as the window rolls down. "Hey are you ok?" A voice asks I look at them and see. Edward Cullen. 'What does he want?' "I want to know why you are walking." He says with a laugh." Edward she didn't say anything you idiot." His sister Rosalie says hitting him in the back of the head.

"Oh shit......hey can we drive you to school?" He asks changing the subject. I don't want to be rude, so I say yes. When we get there everyone watches me as I get out of the car.

"Oh my god, (y/n) are you ok. You should have let me drive you who knows what could have happened to you." Bella says run up to us acting like she cares.

Emmett stepped infront of me before she could hug me. But what really shocked me was when Edward growled at her.

Bella ignored Edwards growl but not Emmett's action. "Excuse me but don't get in the way of me hugging MY sister." Bella said all of a sudden wanting people to know.

"Yeah well shes gonna be MY sister  some day so .Back. off." Emmett growls at bella threateningly. "Emmett baby calm down." Rosalie tries to calm Emmett down before he makes a scene.

"No who the hell do you think you are? Hmm you treat her like shit and now you want to clam her?" He yells at bella. Bella looks at me for help.

But before I can even say anything Edward puts me back in the car.
The rest of the Cullens got in and drove away from school.
"Hey what are you doing we still have school?" I say confused.

"We are taking you to our house dont worry my dad will fix everything with the school." Edward says not taking his eyes off the road. "But why?" I ask. "Because I cant stand not being with you." Edward says as he finally looks at me. I did even realize we were there until he opened my door.

Time skip

"So you are all vampires" I ask. "Yes" esme says.
"We understand if you need time to take all of this in.." Carlisle says with a caring look on his face.
"I...um.....this...." I say trying to find my words. They all looked worriedly at eachother.
"This is so cool I mean I never thought that vampires were real." I say standing up. Jasper laughed as I look at them excitedly. "That's not it" esme says as she looks at Edward to continue for her.

"Vampires have mates. Emmett and rosalie are mate's, jasper and alice are mate's, Carlisle and esme are mate's, and you and I are mate's." He says grabbing my hands and look into my eyes.

"O..Oh.." I say looking down.
'Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.' I think to myself. Edward laughs which makes me look up confused. "Edward can hear thoughts sweety." Rosalie says sweetly while rubbing my arm in a motherly way.

"Realy?" I ask amazed as I look up at him. "Yup" he says smirking. I lean over to Rosalie and whisper. "Why is he smirking?" I ask her.
"Oh because we drove by your house this morning and he heard your thoughts about him." She says nonchalantly.

I blush and Edward smiles.

After that me and Edward started dating bella was pissed. She was even more pissed when Carlisle convinced dad to let me live with them. Bella tries to flirt with him but Edward always grabs me and kisses me right infront of her.

I'm glad bella made me walk to school because I got two overprotective brothers that will fight anyone who looks at me weirdly, two sisters who are equally as protective but also my fashion buddies, two new overprotective parents who actually care about me, and an amazing boyfriend who loves me just as much as I love him.

Author note: I hope you liked my first oneshot my little hell babies💞😈

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