Jasper Cullen-Jealous

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"Bye (y/n). See you after school!" Kaiden my math partner yelled. "Bye Kaiden." I yell as I run to the Cullens.

"Who is that?" Emmett asks. "His name is Kaiden, I'm doing a math project with him." I say hugging Jasper who just sits there and glares at where Kaiden was just standing.

"Jaz are you okay?" I ask looking up at him. He seems to be lost in thought. I hear a choke and look over at Edward who is coughing like crazy. "Edward are you ok?" I ask as he stops. "Yeah, yup I am fine. Hey Jasper we should talk somewhere private. We'll see you guys at home bye." Edward says as he hurriedly takes Jasper who looks very mad away from us.

"What was that about?" I ask turning to the others. "Uhm I don't know?" Alice says as Rosalie laughs. I shrug and we drive home.

"We're ho-" I start but before I could finish Carlisle hugs me and says. "Welcome home. How was school?" He asks. "It was good. How was your day Carlisle?" I ask as he pats my head. "It was good (y/n) thank you for asking." He says as he smiles at me.

"Hey uhm Carlisle has Edward and Jasper came home yet?" I ask him while looking around. "Uhm no, why? Did something happen?" He asks me as I sigh.

"He was acting weird at school and Edward took him somewhere." I say as I flop down on the couch. "Do you know why he was acting weird?" He asks and I just shake my head no. "Well what lead to him acting weird?" He asks as he sits next to me.

"He was fine all day until after math I got out and my math partner Kaiden said he'd see me later so we could work on our project. Then I ran and hugged Jasper and he wouldn't say anything all he did was glare at where Kaiden was. Then Edward started to choke and hurriedly took Jasper away." I say rubbing my forehead.

"Ahh okay I understand now. Sweetie I think Jasper was jealous of this Kaiden person." Carlisle says as he smiles at me. "What?" I say but now that I think about it, it makes sense. I mean he only got upset when Kaiden talked to me and he was glaring at the place he was even after he left. Plus Jasper gets really insecure about me at times he thinks I'll leave him for someone better. But there is no one better.

"I think Jasper and Edward are back so I'll leave you to it. Good luck." Carlisle says as he pecks my head in a fatherly way and leaves.

I huff and walk up to mine a Jaspers room. I lay on the bed as I wait for him. After a couple minutes Jasper walks in.

"Jasper." I say in a serious voice. "Y...yes my love?" He says as a feel a sudden calm wash over me. 'is this bitch really trying to calm me down? I mean I'm not mad I'm only pretending but what the hell Jasper you can't just get out of trouble by calming people.' I say in my head as Edward bursts into laughter from the other room.

"Jasper Cullen if you keep trying to calm me I'm going to give you a reason to calm me." I say not even opening my eyes. I hear a slight gulp and I smile.

"Jasper you know how I feel about you getting insecure about our relationship. It hurts me to know you don't believe I only have eyes for you. How many times do I have to say you are my everything, my life, my happiness, my best friend, and the only person I could ever be in love with, before you believe it?" I say as I feel the bed dip in beside me.

"I'm sorry my love. I know you love me I just can't help it sometimes." Jasper says as he lays on top of me. I open my eyes and look up at him.

"You are my everything so sometimes I get a little scared of losing you." He says and tries to kiss me. I turn my head away and smile as he pouts and grabs my chin and kissing me.

"Jasper don't be jealous of Kaiden ok we are  just friends and I'm doing a project with him." I say as he lays his head on my chest as I play with his hair. "Okay baby. He's coming over soon right?" Jasper asked as he stands up. "He should already be here." I say as Jasper helps me up.

We hear a clash in the room next to ours and we run to see what happened. We throw the door open to reveal a half naked Kaiden and....Emmett?!

"Ugh we can explain?" Emmett says as Kaiden who is being pushed up against the wall just blushes.

"No need Em have fun." Jasper says smirking. "Oh I will." Emmett says as he smirks back.

"Wanna stay at a hotel for the night?" I ask as me and Jasper hurry out of the house. "Already ahead of you two. Here is the room key for you to. See ya." Carlisle says as he runs out of the house giving the key to Carlisle and driving away also going to a hotel.

"Shall we Darlin?" Jasper asks as he holds his arm out for me. "We shall." I say as I put my arm around his. He smiles and looks into my eyes.

Our moment is soon ruined by loud sounds coming from the house. We laugh and run to the car.

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