Smut Rosalie Hale- jealous

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Fem wife reader

Dom Rosalie

I was basically told I could do what I want to expect some kinky stuff my luvs

Y/n pov

I was having a wonderful dream about me and my wife's life together. But I had to wake up soon and start the day.

I'm fully awake now and can feel the stare coming from the side of the bed. I know Rosalie is looking at me waiting for me to wake up. I smile to myself and keep my eyes closed. "I know you're awake baby." She says In a quiet voice leaning over me.

She kisses my lips slowly and pulls away. "Why don't you open your eyes for me? Let me see those pretty eyes that I love so much." She says running her fingers down the side of my face.

I smile and open my eyes. "There's my pretty girl." She says smiling at me. "How'd you sleep my love?" She asks laying across my chest. "I slept really well. I had a dream about us. We had a baby." I say smiling causing her to move up and kiss me.

"We will have a baby sweetie." She says and I sigh and frown slightly. "But what if I can't? You have a reason you can't carry one. But what if I can't?" I say. She sighs and gets up to sit with her legs folded. (Criss Cross apple sauce 😂) she pats her lap and I move to straddle it wrapping my arms loosely around her neck and she holds my hips.

"Don't say that. Look we have the appointment today to see if you can carry it. But if you can't we can always adopt. I promise you I will get you a baby one way or another." She says grabbing my left hand fiddling with the ring on my finger.

We've been married for 3 years now. We dated for 2 years prior. We met through her brother Jasper, who literally pushed me into her arms one day and said we should go out. These past five years have had its ups and downs but I absolutely love it. Before we got married Rosalie and I were talking about babies. We both want to have one. Rose can't carry because she's a vampire and she can't exactly impregnate me. So our options were limited.

Today we go to see if l can carry. If I can't then there is still adoption. But I've always wanted to go through the pregnancy. I want that bond.

"My love look at me." She says pulling my chin to her. "It'll all work out. Ok? Stop worrying" she says giving a warm smile. I know she wants this to work out just as bad as I do, she's just better at hiding her worries.

"Thank you rose. I love you" i say hugging her. "I love you too" she says hugging me back.

I sigh pulling away from the hug and getting off the bed. Rosalie whistles as the blanket falls off my naked body. "Damn baby you should sleep naked more often." She says smirking. "Maybe you should give me a reason to do it more often." I say smirking back at her as I grab some clothes and walk to the bathroom.

Time skip to at the doctor's office.

"Oookay and I'll just go ahead and send those in. And we should have an answer in no time." The doctor says smiling and leaving the room after checking everything and getting X-rays of my uterus. (I don't know how this works lol so bare with me)

I turn to look at Rosalie and see her with a scowl on her face. "Rose? What's wrong?" I ask grabbing her attention. "I don't like the way she touched you." She says talking about the doctor.

"Oh come on rose it's not like she did anything out of context." I says as she glares at me. "She put something inside of you." Rose said scoffing. "But she didn't do anything wrong. She used gloves." I say trying to help her calm down. "Oh yeah well I'm so glad she was wearing a hand condom before touching my wife vagina. Thanks that makes it all so much better." She says sarcastically.

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