Smut sam uley jealous

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Sam x FEM wolf reader jealous smut


Sam is possessive of his girlfriend y/n. Y/n gets mad at Sam and decided to make him jealous.
Possessive Sam, jealous, rough sex, daddy kink, semi-public sex, very dirty talk, and Sam because Sam himself counts as a warning lol cause damn that man is FINE.

Y/n pov

"I'm going to the party rather you like it or not Sam!" I say walking away from him. We've been arguing for a little over half a hour, because Sam keeps treating me like I'm some weak little girl.

"Do not walk away from me! God damnit y/n can you just for once in your life not be a stubborn brat!" Sam says angrily as I turn around on my way up the stairs to flip him off before walking the rest of the way I hear Sam growl as I close our door.

"Ugh he can be sooo annoying sometimes!" I say yelling into my pillow before I hear my phone ringing. I look over and see it's Edward my best friend since I moved here 7 years ago.

"Hello?" I say grumpily. "Damn hello to you to miss cranky pants." Eddie (shhhh just go with it babes 👁️👄👁️💅) says sassily.
"I'm sorry Eddie Im just frustrated." I say sighing. "Aw Sam still saying no?" Edward says laughing.

"It's so stupid! It's a party to celebrate another year of alliance between vamps and wolf! Why can't I go! I'd be in no danger what so ever he's just saying no to be a dick!" I say the loud part loud hoping Sam hears it and gets pissed.

"Well I mean I can kinda understand him bubs. If I was dating you I'd be a little weary about it to I mean you are fine as fuck, plus all those vamps that haven't been laid in decades and horny dog-i mean wolf's, all drooling over you? I'd go berserk and attack any man breathing within a ten yard radius of you." Eddie says giggling. "I'm telling kai you're flirting with me." I say causing him to laugh.

"He's right here go for it." He says as I hear kaiden, Eddie's boyfriend giggle from the other end. "Sam giving you trouble again love?" Kai asks getting closer to the phone so he can be apart of the conversation.

"As always." I mumble as kai he laughs. "You know what? I'm just gonna go. I'm a grown adult and can do what I want." I say walking to my closet and looking for an outfit. "Oh oh oh I know what would piss Sam off! You should wear that f/c (fav color) dress you got the other day! The short one that shows off your pretty curves (shhhhhh)." Kai says excitedly. "Oh yeah! Thanks Kai!" I say grabbing it and putting it on.

"Right like sam's going to let you leave the house in that." Edward says sarcasticly. "Sam doesn't have to know. She'll leave after sam's already gone to the party." Kai says scoffing at Edward. "And how is that going to work if she's already in the dress? Sam will see her when he goes to tell her bye." Edward says causing Kai to make a sad aw.

"I'll just put a bathrobe over it." I say grabbing my bathrobe and wrapping it around myself. "Oh my gosh I'm so excited! We'll see you at the party n/n." Kai says running out of the room. "See you there n/n we gotta get going if we want to get there soon." Edward says. "Bye have fun." I say as Sam walks in our room going over to the closet and getting dressed.

"Look I understand you're mad but I'm doing it for your own good" Sam says as he buttons up his shirt. I sigh putting on a fake sad face as I get up helping him with his tie.

He smiles kissing my nose before looking down at my body. "And what are you wearing underneath this?" He asks with a smirk as he goes to loosen it. I grab the strings tightly not allowing him to.

"N... nothing" I stutter but he just takes it as me being shy. He smirks. "Well now I kinda want to stay home instead" he says kissing me passionately. I pulls away with a groan. "When I come back I'll reward you for being such a good girl for me" Sam says before leaving

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