Aro, caius, and marcus

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Aro, cuis, and markus x reader not smut but implied sexual activities

Just so y'all know I'm sorry if this sucks I'm not super familiar with these guys 😅. Like I can make them secondary characters in a story but I don't know them enough to make them main focus. So I'm probably not going to write about them again if that's ok. I also don't write about Victoria or her friends just btw 😅😅. But I hope you enjoy this.

Y/n pov

"Soooo let me get this straight. We have to go save Edward from basically killing himself because you found out he's a vampire and he doesn't want to put you in danger. So now I have to go to some scary vampire place with scary vampire overlords to basically tell them to fuck off?" I ask sighing while staring at Bella.

"Uhm.....yeah." she says. I look towards Emmett. "And why didn't anyone stop Edward from his depressing little hissy fit?" I ask bored. "Because Alice said we couldn't" Emmett says pouting.

"Look I love you guys. But you don't need me to go" I say. "Yes we do!* Alice says fast. "Alice? This better not be one of your little futur seeing match making shit" I say glaring at her as she laughs nervously.

"You're the only one who actually scared Edward y/n/n. You can just tell at him and smack some sense into him then we can go home" jasper says giving me a soft smile.

"Fiiiine! Let's go." I sigh. It's not like I don't love Edward. He's like family. I love all the Cullens and Hales but he's a dramatic hoe and does stupid shit like this like once a month. (Eddie my man chilllll)

In Italy

"Edward where the hell are you, you blood sucking cunt" I whisper through gritted teeth as I push through all the people trying to find the jackass that made me leave my bed so early on a weekend.

"Y/L!" I hear someone yell. I turn and see Emmett running to me (not vamp speed) "what?" I ask as he gets to me. "We found him. But the volturi heard about what was happening and took them to their castle just like Alice said would happen!!" Emmett says panicked as I stare at him with a blank stare. "Oh. My. God. It's almost like she can see the future" I say sarcastically as he gasps. "wait! But she can see the future!" He says eyes wide. I hit my forehead sighing before dragging him to the castle.

At the castle

"Knock knock bitches" I say slamming the door open using my power to stop the bitch from hurting Edward more. She looks at me pissed and tries to use her pain thingy on me but I flick my head and she flies into the wall knocking out instantly. Guards run in prepared to fight. I smirk getting ready to fuck some bitches up.

I crack my neck and Carlisle smirks stepping back knowing I got this covered he nods at me before him and the others leave the room so they don't get hurt. The guards run at me and I start beating their asses left and right. Just as one of them manages to land a scratch. I reach up and feel a small bit or blood. Before I can do anything three figures appear Infront of me. One of them grabs the gaurd that made me bleed.

"Do you want to fucking due?!" The blonde ask angerly as the gaurd looks like he's about to shit himself as he shakes his head no. "If any of you pitiful fucks ever lay a hand on her again it'll be the last thing you ever do again. Do I make myself clear?" The oldest looking one says as all the guards run out after nodding and bowing.

I look at the three men before sighing. "Fuck" I whisper. "Fuck indeed" the one I know as aro says smiling at me. "Alice you bitch" I whisper to myself before nervously laughing while backing away from these three men I'm tied to by my soul. They step towards me. The one I know as Marcus grabs my chin turning my face. "Does it hurt darling?" He asks examining the cut on my cheek. " it's fine" I say blushing. "I'll kill that bastard. Just say the word." The one known as caius growls out (not like a fuckin dog 😭)

"No. Don't. It was a fight. He was protecting himself." I say causing aro to smile at me warmly. "Such a kind girl. You're perfect dear." Aro says holding my hand kissing the back of it.

"And oh so powerful. I've never seen so much power in a vampire. Especially in a turned vampire." Marcus says with a proud smirk. "She's quite the miracle isn't she" Carlisle says walking in.

"Carlisle. She's part of your clan?" Aro asks calmly. "She's a part of my family yes." Carlisle says smiling gently. "How lucky for you" Marcus says as Carlisle nods. "we've changed our minds. No harm shall come to the Cullen/hale clan....I mean family." Marcus says as everyone sighs in relief. "Seriously?" I ask hope in my voice. "If course my dear. Anyone important to you shall be important to us. We'll do anything in our power to make you happy" caius says stepping up placing a bandage on my cheek causing me to blush.

"This won't work." I say pulling away from them. Instantly frowns show up on their faces. "What. Why not? You where made for us." Caius says stepping forward but I step back causing him to put his hand down. "My family is my life. They have duties back home. And you three have duties here. I know we belong together. But. I choose my family." I say tearing up as I walk up to Carlisle. He hugs me.

"Ah. We understand. We can't just abandon our duties though. I.....if this is what you want then..... we'll support you. Whatever makes you happy darling. as long as you're happy" Marcus says as all three look down sadly. "Y/n/n. Look at me." Carlisle says. I look up at him as he tears up. "This is where you'll be happy. It's where you belong. We'll always be your family. You wont be loved any less. I can't let you come back home with us. Not with knowing you'd be happier here. With them" Carlisle says motioning to aro, caius, and Marcus.

"But....but I'll miss you guys" I say tearing up more. "we'll always be here. Well visit you every time the sun is too much for school. I promise." Carlisle says hugging me. I nod smiling as I wipe my tears. I look and see jasper crying. He hugs me. "I love you little sis. Be safe. I'll visit every chance I get" he says hugging tight. "I love you too. Take care of yourself jasper." I say before hugging everyone else before they leave.

I wave from the window as the disappear. I feel a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I know it feels like the end. But it's just the beginning of a newer better chapter. So much things to explore. And we'll be by your side the whole time" Marcus says smiling softly as aro and caius nod in agreement.

One year later

"Stop pouting my love. You asked for more so we just provided you your wish." Aro says smirking. "You still could have been gentler." I mumble. "you know you like it rough." Caius says in my ear as he enters the room smirking. I blush looking away from them.

"Are you sore darling?" Marcus asks as he enters the room. "a little. I can hardly walk" I mumble as he smirks as well. "So we did a good job" Marcus says as I roll my eyes.

"I was supposed to go out with Alice and Rosalie today" I groan. "tell them you can't go then" aro shrugs. "What am I supposed to say if they ask why?" I ask crossing my arms.

"Tell them you got your pretty little legs fucked out of use for the day by your three boyfriends last night caius says causing the other two to laugh as I cover my face in embarrassment.

"You guys are the worst" I say into my hands. "that's not what you were saying last night" Marcus jokes causing me to grown as all three of them hug me. "We love you our princess." They say with content smiles. "I love you too. Even though you're pervs." I joke causing them to chuckle.

Looks like Edwards little emo death fit was actually useful this time. Thanks for being a sad boy Eddie.

I hope you guys liked it. I actually kinda like it. I hope it was worth the wait. Love you 💜💜💜💜💜

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