Paul Lahote smut part two

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Part two of the Paul Lahote smut where they found out that reader is pregnant!

Y/n pov

It has been two months since we found out I was pregnant and Paul has never been so excited.

He constantly talks about the baby. Anytime I'm talking to someone even if its simply the cashier at the store he'll run up put his hands on his stomach and say "he buddy are you flirting with my girl? You know she's pregnant right? Yeah with my kid. That's right I filled her up real good" which then leads to me yelling at him, apologizing then dragging him out of the store by his ear.

"Baby! Come here!" I hear Paul yell from the guest room. Seth comes up to me and helps me off the couch, ever since I told the pack they have all gotten really protective and worried about me. Not that anything bad is coming just that they are scared I'll over work myself. I mean hell I'm not even allowed to walk up or down stairs without someone holding my arm.

Speaking of which. Seth helps me up the stairs and then runs away after hugging me while giggling.

"Paul baby?" I call out softly in shock as I walk in to see the room completely remodeled with baby things.

"What do you think?" He asks smiling. And I start to tear up. "I love it baby." I say and he hugs me tightly.

"Leah and Emily picked out the decor and me, Seth, Jacob, and sam put everything together while embry, Jared, and Quil had to stay watch for you. Mainly because they kept breaking shit but still they were helpful." Paul says chuckling.

"We'll have to thank them all with a barbecue soon." I says looking around at the beautiful room while subconsciously putting my hand on my stomach.

"Hey Paul what's that?" I ask confused looking at a lump in the cradles blankets. "I have no idea." He says looking just as confused.

I turn around to look at him confused as he matches my confusion and ushers to the bump. I turn back around and pull the blankets down. Only to see a little baby onesie. I pick it up and read. '"Mommy will you marry daddy?" I read "Paul what is thi-" I turn around and gasp mid-sentence when I see Paul on one knee with a ring in his hand.

"Y/n L/n. My princess I am an asshole. Im a absolute prick and I've always been this way. I thought I'd forever just have this overbearing anger hang over me my entire life but when I meet you everything changed. I felt like the world finally slowed down. It felt like I couldn't breathe without you near. And even if I weren't a werewolf I would still be in love with you because the imprint brought us together but you made me stay. And I can't go another day not being able to say that the most stunning, funny, loving, and fucking psychotic woman y/n L/n is my wife and I am one lucky bastard. So babygirl what do you say will you marry me?" He says as he smiles with tears in his eyes.

"Yes. Yes Paul of course I will. I love you so much." I say crying he laughs as his tears fall he stands up and puts the ring on my finger before connecting our lips.

"SHE SAID YES!!" Seth screams and tumbles down the stairs as all the wolf pack scream in joy.

"What a bunch of wonderful idiots I'm surrounded with." Paul says smiling at all the wolf pack members that are now standing at the entrance with goofy smiles.

Time skip to 2 more months/day of the wedding.

"So are you like really sure you want to marry Paul?" Edward asks standing at the entrance of the door to my dressing room. "Yes Edward I'm sure." I say laughing as he smiles at me and comes over to fix the back of my dress.

"How do I look?" I ask turning around to face my main wedding party: jasper, Alice, Emmett, Rosalie, Edward, Seth, Leah, and your best friend Kaiden.

"You look beautiful!" Alice squeals clapping excitedly. Jasper smiles and claps lightly. "You look stunning y/n." Roselie says smiling softly. "Yeah totally rockin dude." Emmett says giving me finger guns while Rosalie rolls her eyes at his gen-z behavior.

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