(smut) Jacob Black jealous part 2

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Chapter kinks: biting, hair pulling, praising, aggressive but 100% enjoyed. I hope y'all like it sorry for not updating In awhile.

From Jacob black jealous
"You are so right why don't I fix that for you? hm?" He asks lustfully. "Please do." I say. And with that he flips is over so I'm on my back and he's on top of me again.

"Jacob I was kidding" I say breathlessly as he leaves hickeys all over my neck. "Well I wasn't. Besides you're still in trouble." He says as he bites down on my throat lightly.

"I didn't do anything wrong baby." I say as he rips my shirt off and throws it. "You made me jealous princess. Good girls don't misbehave like that you where a bad girl today, and what do bad girls get baby?" He whisperes in my ear. "They get punished." I say just above a whisper.

"That's right baby girl are you going to be a good girl for me and take your punishment?" He asks looking into my eyes waiting for an answer. "Yes I wanna be your good girl. I take the punishment like a good girl...please" I whine out as he leans down and kisses me with passion.

He leans up to takes his shirt off throws it across the room, things back then my hair and leaves a trail of Vegas going down the middle of my chest on the way down to my pant line.

He nibbles on the flesh as a moan lightly from the feeling. He smirks and chuckles a little as he comes back up to my face. "Do you like it when I mark you up? Hmm? You like it when I claim you don't you?" He asks as he starts pushing his clothed bulge against my clothed heat. "Yes I love it when you claim me and mark me up so everyone knows who I belong to." I say moaning and lightly throwing my head back as he ruts his hips against mine and let's out a soft moan himself.

"God you're such a good girl for me baby." He says as he thrusts against me harder and faster making us both moan out a little louder then before. "Please baby." I moan out breathlessly. He pulls away from me and gets off of the bed. I whine in dissatisfaction.

"Don't worry I'm not done with you yet." He says pulling his pants and boxers off. I rub my thighs together trying to get any sort of friction at the sight of his hard cock.

"Do you like what you see baby?" He asks lifting my chin so we can make eye contact. "Yes." I whisper looking up at him. "Are you going to be a good little cock slut and suck my dick for me?" He asks caressing my cheek in a loving way.

I don't respond all I do is get off the bed and kneel down in front of him. "So eager to taste my cock. What a good little slut I have." He says chuckling. I stick my tongue out and he slaps the head of his dick against it a couple of times before letting me take control.

I lick the pre cum off of the tip then put the tip in my mouth. I suck lightly as he moans slightly and tilts his head back. I put as much as I can take in my mouth and use my right hand for whatever can't fit and move my head up and down on it.

"Ahh fuck baby." Jacob moans encouraging me. I use my left hand to massage his balls causing him to curse and bite his lip.

I see him try to control himself from taking control so I take matters into my own hands. I reach up with my left hand and grab his hand while still bobbing my head on his cock. I put his hand in my hair and look up into his eyes while I lightly drag my teeth against him.

"Oh fuck yeah just like that ahh" he says losing control. He grips my hair causing me to moan, he starts fucking my face while moaning. I feel him twitch and get ready for his cum.

But he pulls me away to fast. "No baby I wanna cum inside your warm little cunt." He growls out while pushing me into the bed and grabbing my crotch. I gasp and he pulls my pants and underwear off.

He grabs my thighs and opens them he hurriedly shoves his face between my legs biting, sucking, and licking my most sensitive parts.

"Ahh ah Jake please no fore ahh mmm no foreplay uh." I says moaning as he attacks my pussy like a starved man. He pulls away and kisses me roughly.

He lines up with my pussy and pushes the tip of his dick in. He continues to push just the tip in and out teasing me.

"Beg." He says leaning down to my face. "Please Jacob I'll be a good girl for you. Please I need it so bad. I want you so bad." I says begging while rubbing against his dick.

"Mmm good job but I don't think it was good enough." He says smirking. Being desperate I yell "God damnit just fucking fuck me already Jacob!" Without thinking.

Jacob sits up and looks at me with a eye brow raised. "Now that's not how you ask someone for something." He says in a dominant tone. "But sense you're a desperate little slut..." He says flipping me ont my stomach I gasp as he pulls my ass up but pushes my face down.

"I'll give you what you want and you're going to fucking take it." He growls while pulling my hair before he slams his dick into me. I scream out in pure pleasure as he ducks me roughly from behind.

"Yeah you like that huh?." He says pounding into me as hard and as fast as he can.

"Is this what you wanted you fucking slut? Huh?" He asks pulling me by my hair so I'm sitting with my back against his chest as he ruins my pussy from behind while still having a hold on my hair.

Before I can answer he drags his free hand down my body and starts rubbing my clit. "Answer me when I talk to you." He growls out giving some really hard thrusts to my cunt.

"YES!" I cry out in pure ecstasy as he fucks me harder then I've ever been fucked.

"You gonna cum for me?" He asks and I nod unable to talk as tears of pleasure run down my face. "Good girl now cum all over my cock." He says breathlessly, close to his release as well.

We both call out each other's names as we cum. Jacob stays in me for a minute trying to calm himself down from the high he just experienced. He slowly pulls out and lays me down.

"Was I to rough? I'm sorry." He says as he grabs his shirt from the floor and wipes my pussy clean and I shake from the contact. "No don't be I loved it." I say smiling lazily at him. He kisses my forehead and tries to get up. "I'll start a bath for you." He says but I grab him and pull him down.

"No just lay with me for a little while then we'll take a bath. Please." I ask tiredly. He sighs and kisses me gently. "I love you (y/n) (l/n) more then you could even know." He says cuddling me. "I love you to baby." I says falling asleep.

Time skip to next day at school

Jacob drops me off at school before leaving to go to his school.

I walk up to Mike, Eric, and Jessica outside waiting for me. "Damn with all those marks I'm surprised you can even walk." Eric says as Jessica hits his arm and smiles at me. "Stop Eric you're just jealous she got some dick and you can't." Jessica says as Eric gasps in fake offense.

Mike laughs and pushes us to walk inside. "So how was it?" Mike asks while I gasp and hit him. "What I'm just asking the question we are all wondering." He says laughing as Jessica and Eric nod giggling.

"It...it was nice. Now stop talking about it!" I say embarrassed. "Just nice? That doesn't explain the screaming I heard last night." Bella swan mumbles as she walks past us.

"Hey isn't Bella your neighbor?" Eric asks with a smirk. "Shut up all of you." I say running to class in embarrassment.

Hope you liked it

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