Carlisle Cullen teacher 1

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A/N: y/n is a teacher. She teaches y/f/s (your favorite subject).
(Y/L/N) ( your last name)

(Y/n) pov

"Good morning Ms. (Y/L/N)!" A student says as he races past me clearly late for his class.
"Wait!" I call out as I walk over to the now stopped boy.

"Yes Ms (y/l/n)?" He asks nervously. "What class are you late to Jeremy?" I ask pulling out my hall pass slips and a late note. "Science with Mr. Hilton ma'am." Jeremy says rubbing his neck.

"Here don't want you to get detention or anything, now get to class." I laugh slightly as I hand him the late note and hall pass. The note said : Hello Mr. Hilton, I wanted to inform you that this student, Jeremy Dickson was helping me this morning Cary boxes to my classroom. Which lead to him being late, I hope you understand. -Ms. Y/l/n.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, you're a life saver." Jeremy yells as he runs to class.

I sigh with a smile on my face as I continue to walk towards my classroom, yes I am late to my own class that I teach but, I'm the teacher and I can do as I please plus it gives some of my students time to work on other things.

As I enter the class everything quiets down and people put there work for other classes away. "Good morning everyone. I hope you all finished reading the work book last night because we are having a pop quiz on all of the things it talks about." I say hiding my smile as everyone in the class starts panicking. 1. The book was handed out two days ago, 2. It is over 798 pages long and 3. the other classes are piling work onto these poor kids.

"Shh it's ok I was only joking you guys have until the end of the year to read it and write a short paper on what you learned from it." I say smiling as all the kids start sighing in relief or laughing because of how scared they were.

"Soooooo, as I walked in a lot of you had a bunch of assignments on your desks. I know a lot of you are struggling to keep up with the classes throwing assignment after assignment at you, so for today you can work on the things you need to get caught up on, it doesn't have to be this classes work. It can be for any of your other classes." I say as I stand from my desk with a stack of papers. The class all sigh in relief and I hear some mumble thank you's.

I walk around and hand everyone a piece of paper with the name of a short documentary on it. "But I'm not aloud to just give you a free period without learning this subject, I want you all to watch this short documentary tonight and tomorrow you will hand in a paper telling me what it was about. It's not a hard assignment the video is about 3 minutes long and the paper only needs to be 7 sentences long." I say as all the worried looks change to happy smiles.

As I'm sitting down doing work (looking at my phone 🤫🤫) I feel someone looking at me, I look up to see my favorite students Edward, alice, and jasper Cullen standing in front of my desk.

"Yes? Is there something you needed help with?" I ask putting my phone down. "We are all caught up in our other classes and we've seen the documentary." Jasper says quietly while he and his siblings had me their papers. " Okay. I say grading them all then handing them back. "But what do we do now?" Asked Alice. "Um you can go play on your phone or read or just relax unfortunately I can't let you leave cause we are supposed to be in class at the moment." I say while smiling warmly at them.

"Ok thank you Ms. Y/l/n." They say at the same time as they walk back to their desks. The class starts to murmur about them as the sit down.

"Of course they're all caught up and done"
"This is so unfair"
"How can they possibly be caught up they go camping like at least 2 times a week."
"There is no way they aren't cheating."
"Ugh I hate the smart kids."
I hear from some of the class as the Cullens just put their heads down ignoring all the gossip.

For some reason I've always felt as though I needed to protect them so hearing this made me kind of angry. "Excuse me. Just because they are caught up and get good grades doesn't give you the right to be rude to them and gossip about them. You know what maybe they get good grades and are all caught up because instead of hating on kids smarter then them and gossiping they actually do their school work. So everyone who had something to say about them needs to sit down be quiet and finish their work." I say as everyone quiets down, it's not normal for them to see me mad I'm pretty laid back most of the time.

After class

I'm walking to the lunch room to help out with the food when a group of teens stop me.

"Ms. Y/l/n?" Edward says causing me to stop walking. "Yes Edward?" I ask after smiling at Rosalie and Emmett. "Well we just wanted to say thank you for standing up for us, not a lot of people would have." Jasper mumbles the last part looking down at the ground. "Why do you say that?" I ask confused as to why they think people wouldn't look out for them.

"Well we are different and people think we're weird and a bunch of freaks." Alice say with a hint of sadness in her voice. " Well to hell with them, I mean in my opinion weird is awesome. Normal is soooo boring I prefer different. So don't listen to those followers cause you all are leading your own road as where all of them are following a premade one." I say as I put my hand on jaspers shoulder to comfort him while I smile at the others reassuringly.

"Thank you Ms. Y/l/n that means a lot to hear, it gets hard sometimes to pretend like the words don't bother you." Emmett says smiling at me as the others shake their heads in agreement. "Of course and I'm always here if you need to talk." I say while the nod and walk away.

After school

I was at home grading papers when my phone rang. "Hello?" I ask the other side. "Oh hello is this Ms.y/n Y/l/n's number?" A male asks. "Yes this is her, may I ask who I'm speaking with?" I ask. "Ah yes my apologies, I'm Carlisle Cullen Edward and all of the others dad." He says as I can feel my face lighting up just of the mention of the Cullens.

"Ah and to what do I own the pleaser of speaking to you Mr. Cullen." I ask in my professional voice. "Please call me Carlisle, and as to why I'm calling. The kids told me what happened at school today and I wanted to thank you for looking out for them and making them feel better. It means the world to me when they come home with big smiles on their faces, so Thank you." He says as I can hear the smile on his face as he talks about his kids.

"It was nothing really I'm just glad their happy." I say while laying down content with the call. "As a Thank you I'd love it if you'd join me and the kids this weekend on a hiking trip. O..of course you don't have to.. I mean I know it's weird we Just met you don't even know me...oh God why'd I ask I'm so dumb... nevermind I understand you don't want to-" "Carlisle I'd love to" I say cutting it off and laughing at his nervousness. "Ah ha oh ok, great, grand, amazing new can't wait to see you...I mean not in like a weird way...just I uhm...I'm gonna hang up now bye" he say as he hangs up quickly in laugh at his rambling and go to sleep forgetting about the papers.

Hi I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I was very busy but here is a new chapter please like and comment if you want another part to thins one or any of the other ones please make sure to tell me if you'd like the part twos to be smut or fluff. Thank you bye my children.

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