Carlisle cullen

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A/n: ((Y/n) is bella's older sister, but she was adopted. She is also a witch.)

"Almost there." I say to myself as I drive down the familiar street. This is it, this is the first time I've been home in five years.

I walk up to the house I spent most of my childhood in. 'Knock just knock damnit' I say to myself, why am I so scared to see them.

I knock on the door and wait a couple seconds before the door slams open and I'm tackled in a hug. "Oh my dear lord I missed you so much." Says the voice I've missed so much my dad, Charlie. "I missed you to dad." I say hugging him back.

"Where is bella?" I ask finally letting go. "She's with her friends family, oh they are such nice people you gotta meet them." He says excitedly. "I hope I can soon." I say laughing at him immature side.

"Well you can meet them right now, we are all going out to dinner tonight." He says grabbing his keys and wallet. He smiles at me as I get in my car and he gets in his.

We pull up to this fancy looking restaurant, it looks expensive. I have never really been one to get excited over food, I've never really enjoyed eating it's just something I have to do to survive. We walk in and I see bella sitting next to her girlfriend Jessica (a/n: hate all you want.) I motioned for my dad to be quiet then I snuck up behind bella. "Bella" I said as I grab her shoulders. She yelped and spun around to see who did that. "Oh my go (Y/n)." She says as she gets up and hugs me.

"Oh oh my I almost forgot, y/n this is Jessica my girlfriend, alice my friend and this is Alice's family. Her siblings jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, and Edward. Her aunt esme. And her dad Carlisle. Bella says as I say hello to all of them.

"It was lovely meeting all of you, but unfortunately I'm going to leave." I say putting on an awkward smile. "What no, but you haven't eate." Dad says hurriedly. "Yeah you cant leave." Bella says standing back up. " I'm sorry but I am exhausted, you know jetlag sucks." I say. "Oh ok I love you see you tomorrow sweetie." Dad says sadly as he hugs me. Bella hugs me to and then I leave in a hurry.

Once I get to the hotel I run in grab the key to my room then take a shower. As I'm in the shower I start to cry. 'What was he doing there why cant I forgot about him.' I say to myself crying more then before.

After my emotional shower I lay in bed. After awhile I start to fall asleep, but I wake up to the sound of my window opening. I pretend to sleep in the Hope's he'll go away, but I'm not that lucky. I hear him get closer and closer to me but I will not open my eyes I don't want to see him.

I feel a cold hand get placed gently on my cheek. "I know your awake please talk to me." He says with sadness in his voice.

I open my eyes and I'm face to face with 'him' the man I feel in love with five years ago, the reason I left, the person I'm still in love with.

Carlisle cullen

A/n part 2 coming up my little hell babies😈

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